While I navigated a college campus wasting money on the institution of higher learning, Dave, an acquaintance from my high school graduating class, chose an entirely different career path. During our junior and senior years, Dave hired our hall monitor as an unofficial bouncer to collect the $5 cover charge for keg parties at his parent’s house. Dave would spin records from his turntable, piping music from his expensive stereo equipment into the nearby woods. We’d stand around a bonfire, sometimes lucky enough to find someone of the opposite sex to cozy up to.
Dave never had an interest in college. Instead, he started his own DJ service and many years later provided the music for my very own wedding reception. For all practical purposes, Dave became a rather successful businessman with a regular crew DJ’ing various gigs in the metropolitan Detroit area. For a little extra cash, he provided wedding packages—DJ and limousine services together. I haven’t seen Dave in more than ten years but I’m sure he’s expanded into the video market as well.
But I digress. Dave purchased his first limousine at a police auction—a pimped-out, former drug-dealer’s white Volvo stretch limousine with gold plated trim. When his limo wasn’t being leased, I became his personal chauffeur. He knew I had my chauffeur’s license and that I’d fulfill the necessary role—the typical stuff—driving from bar to bar, opening and closing car doors, and calling him boss. I didn’t mind.
Dave liked his beer too. And his women. There was countless times where he’d leave a bar with a gal under his arm. “Homeward James,” he’d say.
Interesting, how I had fallen into the daily grind of a chauffeur’s dull life, enveloped in the leather cocoon of a fancy car, reading required novels inside my parked appendage, wary of others parking too close; whereas, Dave partied the night away, meeting women from one local watering hole to the next. On one particular night, after closing time, Dave and some young hussy requested to be taken back to his bachelor pad. Naturally, he put the tinted privacy window up as I cruised down the road. I never paid much attention—it was always Dave and some awestruck, lightheaded floozy willing to perform God knows what in the back of his ride, his very own wing nut ready to go for a spin.
When I arrived at their final destination, I did the standard opening and closing of car doors. I never made eye-contact with his lady friends, the chauffeur’s cap remaining slightly tilted forward, but on this night, for whatever reason, I looked up. “Will that be all, Boss?” I asked.
He dismissed me for the night.
A couple days later, he called to see if I wanted to work again. “Sure,” I answered.
He complained about not getting laid. “My luck has got to change,” he said, “For some reason that last girl turned into a real ice queen when we got back to my place.”
I proceeded to tell him why. “Dave, she’s my cousin.”
Very funny! Dave is going to come out of the woodwork now, you realize..
such an innocent looking young man.... :)
JR: This is toooo funny!"...my cousin." This would only happen to you! Enjoyed it.
Ha, ha,ha! I have a few "floosie's" for cousins myself.
Jim, it seems that the blogging world is picking on you..lol It's just to much fun.
JR, another funtastic story for the Chauffeur Novel!
BTW, Josie's asking Ivan questions about where he was on a certain night, a certain number of years ago, and I'm wondering if I need to write Ivan a blackma...er.. ah... ransom note! Hah!
Enjoyed the posts. Congrats to the c/o. Figthting crime on the inside. Takes guts to do what he did. Nice work. MW
Your cousin!!! Boy I bet she was shocked to see you when she came out of the bar with your friend Dave!!! No wonder he couldn't get anywhere with her. Funny story.
Oh, I bet you have tons of stories to tell having been a chauffeur. I often think cabbies have stories to tell as well since cab passengers have a tendency to talk as if no one else is in the car. My boyfriend certainly does.
On my last visit, we were taking a cab to the airport. He mentioned that we should have our own March Madness bracket challenge. Whoever has the best bracket must return "certain favors". He used that term. I swore I heard the cab driver sigh as if to say, "Not again. I'm in the car people!"
I won the challenge, btw.
Teehee...that made my night! Thanks for the laugh!
I can only imagine what your cousin thought when she looked up and saw you standing there. I love it!
LOL, now there's a story to reminsce over.....
thanks for the visit today.
I've started to notice that you never really smile in any of your pictures (there was a tiny touch of a smile in the one of you on the couch). Are you one of those people that don't like their teeth? I want to see a full-blown grin!
Yeah, I think that would definitely destroy the mood.
I hope you've recovered from the riotous living of your youth. Or, maybe you just had to watch other people living riotously.
That's f*cking funny!
Hey there, JR. Love your stories. I'm married to a creative writing, past educator, who's female cousin used to be a chauffeur in the 80's. So how's that for a karmic hug of sorts. Plus Sideways Sam, my husband also wears an Indiana Jones looking cloth hat. By any chance do you collect vinyl and play tennis? If so, I know your Doppelganger. To check out his photo, go to sidewaysagain@blogspot.com I'll be suggesting to him that he wander by your blog as well. I'm wondering, do you have anything published that I could read? I look forward to your reply. Ciao for now.
So do you and your cousin have a good augh over this story or is one of those "never mention that night to me " things?
Great ending. A perfect surprise. I roared at this one.
gasp! you called your cousin a hussy! lol
Funny as hell, from the John Travolta pic right through the ending. I do believe you have some expansion possibilities here -- could go tragi-comic, or just comic. The Driver and the Pseudo Pimp -- love it! Years later they could meet up, prison educator and prisoner, for a nice twist around in the power department.
(p.s. post-typo comment)
To answer the Walking Man's question: We never talked about it. We never acknowledged each other on the night in question either. I'm quite sure she didn't recognize me until I opened the door for her back at his bachelor pad.
I'll definitely be back to read your past posts. My writing is mostly non-fiction. My blog is mostly biographical stuff with the occasional poem. And I'm writing my second draft of a book on comparative religions. My goal is to publish it by 2010. BTW ~ did you see my husbands blog? Your hat is more Aussie-style than his but I thought the other coincidences were too great to ignore. Your photo, a la senior high school year book, reminds me of his Barbizon shots. Did you do any modeling in the 70's or 80's? http://www.barbizonmodeling.com/
I forgot to mention that I grew up in Chicago. So we both have North Mid-Western roots, too.
Jim, A great one! I liked how you mentioned that our cousin (won't say any names here so that they may be held against us) was a hussy. That's probably a very kind would for HER. Man, you really had some good chauffeur stories that you never told me until ~25 yrs later!! --Bro, Ron
Jim, Nice looking studs in the photo. I remember it well, lets say, your high school pic?? :)
That photo looks like a painting. They don't do photos like that anymore.
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