Once upon a time (Hey, why not? Isn’t that how most children’s stories begin?) … Once upon a time an inmate approached my desk to inform me about a school/religious conflict he had. "Wait a minute," I said slightly confused, "the Melanic’s primary service isn’t today."
He smiled that big ugly grill of his and said, "Yeah, I know. I switched my religion. Check my itinerary, my detail, you’ll see that I am now a Muslim."
Real slick bastard. Anything to avoid going to school. He chose religions as if he were at Baskin Robbins picking an ice cream flavor--"What will it be today, sir?" the woman with the religious-ice-cream scoop would ask. Unfortunately, some religious affiliations you can never quit; You’re a lifetime member--good for the lifetime of the member and not the religious group.
The Melanics were instrumental in pummeling a former inmate beyond recognition with a baseball bat right outside the prison weight-pit. When the victim was discovered, the corrections officer began CPR, blowing into a pulverized face, her uniform and CPR mask soaked in blood. He was already dead, overkill, if you asked me.
One week later, this flavor-of-the-day worshipper unintelligibly asked me if he could be excused from class. His explanation: The spotter in the weight-pit forgot to "spot" him and the weights fell on his face. His jaw was obviously broken.
"So are you a Melanic or a Muslim?" I asked. We both knew the answer to that one.
The prisoner kites and Labradoodle shit on my wood deck are somewhat related and not meant to be offensive in any way. I’m tolerant of all religions. It's just that I need to train that damn dog to go in the yard.

Please tell me which inmates used "Shittie Muslims" on their kites. We have inside connections and can eliminate these types of errors from happening again.
P.S. We're not afraid of the Melanics either.
Oh for Christ's sake.
(Or dare I say even that?)
I find this deeply offensive and will never visit your blog again.
Jim, Nice poppy photo and story. Looks like others can't resist. --Bro, Ron
Those aren't flowers we're looking at.
Only from you. Great post. I will be visiting your site often. He needs to be working on his GED.
MW. :-)
You had me at the poop picture.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. To answer your question about Boston, Tom Scholz invented a guitar amp. Here's the info from Wikipedia: Rockman
Too funny, Jim. And, of course, a little creepy thinking about prison culture and all its ramifications. As for pet training, good luck!
i couldn't stop looking at the poop because i couldnt believe that i was actually looking at poop. everything in between was good i guess lol
Thanks for the link to that fiction contest entry. =D I am working on something right now to send in.
I thought that the poop was a gag-toy. Whoops.
If my mom saw your blog, she'd make you take down your poop photo...LOL!
I take it the puppy training is not going so well...
I can totally sympathize!!
Heavenly days! Well, I don't really give a crap. Donnetta
melanics - I'd never heard of these
Too funny. That's the second day you've LOLled me. This has to stop!
Haha, great photo. It really got my interest.
People that take offend here are not strong believers in what they believe.
To believe is your choice and not our place to judge...
Poor people! Great PIC!!
Nice post here. Let the Pooper Scooper help out your needs!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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