Thursday, March 29, 2007


I had visions of being brought up on rape charges for a situation I had absolutely no control over. Per my client’s instructions, I was given the general descriptions of two women and where to pick them up. At first I was uncertain as to what these men were celebrating, but after making the twenty-five minute trek to their inner-city bungalow, an unsanctioned frat house off John R (not too far from Wayne State University), and after receiving their unusual request, I knew that if I refused—my chances of getting paid would vanish. So off I went, instrumental in their plans, searching for two biker chicks, hoping to score some big money by the end of the night.

I had absolutely no difficulty finding them. They stood on a desolate street corner near an abandoned house smoking cigarettes under a liquor store’s half-lit neon sign. From a distance they looked like your average Detroit hustlers, desperate to drum up a little cash for whatever vices made them tick. As soon as they saw the limousine, they picked up their duffel bags and approached me. We exchanged pleasantries, including complaints about suck-ass late-night work hours. “Remember to get the money up front,” one said to the other. Something I hadn’t yet learned myself.

Turns out these Wayne State frat boys were having a bachelor party and were eager to pass the hat around for the intended strip show. After counting the gwop, and shoving it into a duffel bag, these women placed a chair in the middle of the room for the bachelor. He quickly sat his drunken ass down.

I didn’t see much after that. As the clothes came off, the frat boys whooped and hollered, tightening their circle around all three. “Back off motherfuckers,” one stripper yelled. “Quit grabbing my tits,” the other one complained. I started getting nervous; the frat boys seemed too aggressive. “What’d you bitches expect?” one frat boy said. “We’re paid in full.”

Luckily, the strip tease didn’t turn uglier. The drunken frat boys backed away, clutching their long neck beer bottles like pacifiers while these biker chicks flung nunchucks over, around, up, and under their shoulders, arms, and legs. I did receive my money that night; however, the best tip came from these women when I gave them a ride home. “Don’t ever get yourself into a situation you can’t handle,” one of them advised.


Danny Tagalog said...

Hi JR,

I love the last paragraph: "clutching beer bottles like pacifiers". !!!!

"The drunken frat boys backed away, clutching their long neck beer bottles like pacifiers while these biker chicks flung nunchucks over, around, up, and under their shoulders, arms, and legs.!

Cheryl said...

Wow. You were lucky that time. I wondered where your story was going, and was glad that it didn't go too far.

Ruth W. said...

Hey, nice deck you have there. And what are you drinking?

Donnetta Lee said...

And what good advice that was! Like Danny T., I really liked that paragraph and the pacifiers!


Plain Jane said...

Good piece of advice!

Laura said...

Wow! That could have turned real ugly. The ladies gave you some great advice that night. They should learn to take their own advice. I think luck was on their side that night.

EA Monroe said...

The pros know. Always carry nunchucks. I truly enjoy your stories, JR! You could write a chauffeur driven novel.

Jo said...

Good advice! It's always been my motto.

By the way, your blog is worth $29,356.08...! I didn't believe it was worth $0.00. I don't know how they assess them, I think it's the commercial value.

Not bad!


islandgrovepress said...

It's probably the Ford Motor Company in disguise, hoping for blog support.

Whoops. I just went up ten points.

Start a rumour about our Bell Telephone Company about to be taken over by Wall Street sharks.


Up another ten.


Robin (Capitulation) said...

You certainly know how to tell a story, or two, or three... :)

Christina said...

This was a funny story. Well every life situation teaches us something, but for all that trouble, I would want something more solid like a heavy wallet.

Hope that night wasn't a complete bust.

Desirea Madison said...

I wonder how much those girls that shake thier asses in the nightclubs get paid. I could do that, but I think I would get bored. I like the challenge of waitressing.

the walking man said...

I don't think you had much to worry about that night, after the women got done kicking ass they would have got you out of there because you were their ride home.

But see there was another bachelor party I wasn't invited too. lol

singleton said...

Dance of the nunchucks....sounds like a ballet!

Library Mama said...

From a distance they looked like your average Detroit hustlers, desperate to drum up a little cash for whatever vices made them tick.

Sounds like they looked pretty much the same from closer up, too!

H.E.Eigler said...

Great post JR - you never leave me unentertained! Good advice too, no matter what the situation....get paid up front, don't get into anything you can't handle.

On that note, you'd best check out Ivan's blog - there might be a bit of a situation involving you over there :)

EE said...

Great advice!!!

Erik Donald France said...

Sounds like the Duke Lacrosse fiasco, except these were armed Detroit vets and they were wise enough to have you at the getaway ready.

Charles Gramlich said...

Or as Lovecraft said, "Never call up any that you can't put down."

ZZZZZZZ said...

What a great story! Really good advice too. I always dreamed I could learn to fight like Buffy. That way, if anyone started grabbing me or tried to hurt me I could defend myself and hopefully kick their ass in the process.

Johnny Yen said...

That image, of the biker/strippers wailing away with numchucks, made my day!

When I was a bartender, I'd sometimes have to work bachelor parties. The strippers always had big, beefy security guys with them.