Tuesday, March 20, 2007


It's called "Adult Education," however, to the outside observer it might as well be kindergarten—you know, that special time when your teacher handed out those small cartons of milk and graham crackers as you sat quietly on your little rug right before nap time. Here's a news flash to anyone visiting my blog as a first timer: these are "groan" men (no spelling error here), G-R-O-A-N, groan men taking up space in my classroom.

One particular man-child complained that I wasn't teaching him; I had just given him his TABE results (Test of Adult Basic Education) and he was quick to say, "You cheated me out of my time."

"Yeah," I said, "I guess it's my fault you showed up late." Then, believe it or not, he accused me of "not caring," in which I pointed out, "Well you obviously don't."

Spring is finally here. Once the warmer weather arrives some of my students will lose interest in school (if they haven't already). They'll skip class for a quick game of basketball, volleyball, horseshoes, and shuffleboard. I'll see them from my classroom window—easy marks for "Out of Place" tickets. I'll pick one from the crowd and lace him up—“You got to start somewhere,” I’ll tell him when he asks why the others didn’t receive tickets. So the rest will feel lucky and will forget about my negative influence on them. They’ll sit back and enjoy the air conditioning—that is, as soon as summer arrives.

Technically speaking, the attached video was taken on the last day of winter. Refreshing, isn't it? Some dogs are easier to train than others.


Sunrunner said...

Your guys get horseshoes???

Anonymous said...

Jim, Yeah probably some of the inmates are thinking more about having a pick up game of B-ball especially when the Spring/Summer comes and the trees blossom and birds sing. Hey, looks like you're starting to train Bailey. You sure you didn't feed him a can of that recalled dog food? Looks like Bailey is just learning and with you being the new trainer, Bailey will quickly pick up the new tricks. --Bro, Ron

Anonymous said...

Spring training in the prison and no bats? What's this world coming to?

JR's Thumbprints said...

Actually, for one reason or another, I forgot to mention baseball. Not only are they allowed to check-out rubberized horseshoes, they also have access to bats.

WiscoBlonde said...

Good luck whipping these guys in to shape!

Anonymous said...

How is training school going? Looks like Bailey has a lot of energy. She will sure be keeping you on your toes this summer. Nice post. MW

Carina said...

I suppose it will be fun and encouraging to train someone who is willing to learn and please.

I think my two toddler fall somewhere in the middle of you spectrum.

Thanks for visiting. I'll be back.

Michelle's Spell said...

Great last line, Jim. Some dogs are smarter than others. It reminds me of Amy Hempel -- the smart dog knows when to obey, the smarter dog when to disobey.

Thoreau said...

The pond is great all year round. A symbol par excellence.

Professor Irwin Corey said...

Dog looks very healthy and playful. Good blogging and dogging.

Ellie said...

LOL...aren't pups just the most fun?

Charles Gramlich said...

Nice spring days here. A lot of my students are missing classes. Course, mostly their parents are paying for them so I guess they're not concerned.

B said...

LOL bailey listens about as good as my chino does. When you find the secret to this let me know :)

Robin (Capitulation) said...

Love the video, JR! Bailey is a cute dog!