Once again I’ve been asked to perform the school principal’s duties when my current boss goes on maternity leave. And once again I’ve stood my ground, telling her, “I’m not qualified.” The last time I assumed the acting principal role personnel did not want to pay me for working out of my classification.
Oh I’m sure administration was eternally grateful for the extra duties and responsibilities I assumed (and I’m sure that if something went seriously wrong I’d’ve been held accountable), but cutting me a check meant an admittance of guilt to a civil service rule violation. Plus, no one in prison wants to be perceived as soft, even the folks up front in their cushy little offices working on the outside of the prison walls.
I could have followed the appropriate channels and filed a grievance, but when the principal at that time returned from sick-leave, I told him not to worry, I’ve got a trick up my sleeve.
Every year we’re required to have a TB test—a simple needle prick under the skin. Within 48 hours we take our results from healthcare to the Personnel Department. Not me. I kept my results. After numerous threats of placing a “Stop Order” on me (meaning I could no longer be on prison grounds and would no longer get paid), I called the personnel director and in typical Monte Hall Let’s Make A Deal fashion said, “I’ll give you the TB results when I receive my extra pay.” Not long after that the check was in the mail, procedures for the submittal of TB results were changed (nurses are now responsible for the delivery of test results to personnel), and the regional director reinforced the “no working out of classification” rule with yet another memo.
My recommendation this time around: There’s another teacher who could do the principal’s job while she’s away. Although he too would be working out of classification, his qualifications to oversee the entire Michigan prison system’s educational programs should supercede any requirements not met. What do you think?
I'm just hoping that's not what you said. The dog looks great. her eyes are showing up aqua blue.
That's got to be the flash. As my Polish granny used to say, no?
Nice pic and story. MW :)
I won't you dog, he is so cute. I need a dog in my life.
It is indeed my recommendation, and I'm sticking to it.
Go to petfinder.com if you dare.
Cute picture, JR! You should write a "memo."
Your blog had me rolling...I love the way you stuck to your guns!
JR, doesn't your union contract automatically guarantee that if you are doing extra duties, that of another classification, that you get paid the rate of that classification? Shouldn't it be enforced the same way as, say, overtime?
I gather your TB skin test was negative.
I see Bailey has adopted you and is letting you live there :-) Cute picture.
I'm sure glad you finally got paid, but it's too bad you had to jump through hoops to get it. I can't believe they would expect you to do the job again, knowing what you know now.
Bailie is beautiful!
We are not allowed overtime. The Michigan Department of Corrections may freeze the gates and keep us over, however, we would get straight comp time only. So, to answer your question, I guess they're enforcing it in much the same way.
Gosh you are very good with bribing, it is what it is called hey?
But i do agree if you feel you dont wanna do something for any reason why must you:)
and that dog is still super cute:)
We were a little more Machiavellian than that in the newpaper business.
Take the temporary loss of income and go for the position itself.
Not in my nature, but that was the way the game was played.
I must confess I wasn't all that good at it.
p.s.: That is the game.
Cute dog, Jim. I don't even like dogs, but yours seems very sweet. Great Art of War stuff on the TB test.
good for you for being assertive,
and your dog is soooooo cute.
JR, your dog is cute in that red sweater, but he looks a little lazy. And I think you got gyped. He's definetely not a pup. Much older, I suspect.
No offense but your dog looks like Goofy.
Or is it Pluto? Heck, just ask Michelle, even though she doesn't like dogs.
I think it would depend on how much extra burden you would really have to take on to replace the principle. Of course, maternity leave means that you would be saddled with that responsibility for some time. And without extra pay, it might be a difficult pill to swallow.
I am the administrator at my school. I remember being gone for two months due to cancer surgery. My staff did fairly well and other administrators stepped in to help at times. But then I have a small tiny program and the correctional system is fairly large.
I like how you bargained. If only my tactics could be so effective...
Jim, Nice photo of Bailey. Stick to your guns but don't get canned!!!! You need to keep paying the bills! --Bro, Ron
i wnat to play with the dogggggggggggggg!!!!!
It's a shame that your supervisor expects you to shimmy around the "rules" for their convenience. (sarcasm)This same process ensured that the New Orleans levees were good & solid when Katrina came along.(/sarcasm) Your "deal" was brilliant--which is why they've made sure no one can do THAT again. Too many employers say one thing & do another & too many employees kowtow to this BS to avoid job-related hassles (because they often have little choice.) I believe this is called "extortion."
Bailie is beautiful but watch out, looks like she's got your wrapped around her little finger...er, I mean paw.
Cheers for sharing this. Made me chuckle - yeah - your dog is lovely!
i think you and the dog look sweet! but apparently, you are not *that* sweet and you are able to stick up for yourself!(-:
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