I've never met talk show host Oprah Winfrey. Nor has she endorsed any of my mediocre achievements (hey, let's face it, I'm no Jonathan Franzen). But if Oprah were to invite me to her club with a stamp of approval, then I'm all over it like flies on shit. No second thoughts here. Why not an Oprah Winfrey Blog Club?
Also, I've never met comedian Bill Cosby. Not that I want to. However, Nathaniel Abraham, the youngest Michiganian charged with murder at the ripe old age of 11, has met both. After 10 years of "rehabilitation" at the Maxey Training School for Boys, he's been granted a fresh start. From what I observed on the news station the day he was freed--fur coat, tilted fedora, and expensive shoes (I'm not much for fashion so my descriptions are a bit lacking)--the world is indeed Nathaniel's oyster.
At our graduation ceremony, we had a guest speaker from the Thumb Correctional Facility. She shared her story with the graduates/convicts: "I was a high school dropout, my mother died when I was 17, my father when I was 18, and my grandmother soon after that. I'm not going to go into the details of all my struggles, but I will say I was at a crossroad. I could have hung out with my friends for the rest of my life ... who knows where I would've ended up. Instead, I dropped back into school." She shared her achievements: High School diploma (1983), Associates Degree (1988), Bachelors Degree (1991), Masters Degree, Science (1997), and Masters Degree, Special Education (2005).
What I remember the most about her speech is the final message she delivered to the prisoners: "I challenge you to set new goals. You have already proven you have the ability to do so. In your journey don't forget where you've been, share it, and explain it. DO BE ASHAMED of where you've been. Be honest. Be determined. Be strong in your beliefs."
Wait ... what about the pedophiles? "Be honest?" I'm not so sure they'd stand a chance.
The Dude and his Dawg -- as for some of those prisoners, best left in prison. They can still achieve something, I suppose. I like the idea of an Oprah Blog Club. Good idea, let's roll . . .
This is going to sound really stupid, but Oprah Winfrey scares me.
or the rapists I guess.
Is being ashamed the right thing? or should it be more like be aware so that you don't go back? I'm not ashamed of my past, then again I haven't committed any crimes.
Jim, That would be a good racket to have an Opray W. blog! Hell yes the inmates should be ashamed for what they did. --Bro, Ron
Oh, it looks like you're redoing your pond again??? --Bro, Ron
Many people do just fine without the blessings of Oprah Winfrey. I could really care less what she does and doesn't like.
It's more important that a person be honest with their self then with anyone else.
Hey whats going on? Oprah is taking over the world I swear!!! Have a great weekend!
I'm with TheThinker. Oprah scares me too. I don't worship at her altar.
Your guest speaker sounds like a real role model. I hope she had an effect on some of the graduates.
Lovely pond. I could almost hear the water.
Can we add "get rid of the drama in your life" to the things to do list when they get out.
I was so disappointed recently...I finally had to fire the ex con we had employed. DAMN, I wanted him to make it, but I could just no longer let his drama be mine...
Sorry you couldn't read the post at my blog the other night...I was in the process of trying to redesign it when you must have stopped in.
It's all put together now... come on back :)
Nice post. I remember her saying she was the last of nine children as well. My wife is the last of nine. Last in the pecking order has major implications on how you grow up. Correct me if I'm wrong but that's not your pond, or yard.
You are not training the dog to...ah forget it. MW :)
I didn't have a chance in prison.
Hey I posted a response to you but in case you don't go back to read messages in blogs- I've never said anything about him seeing his children- in fact that's why he spends ALL of his free time in Florida, to see them. I just think it's f'd up that he gives his ex or kids hope especially since the ex showed up at my door saying they were still married in the eyes of God. No other divorced couple I know does this, not with the way the woman behaves- she feels he needs to take care of her. I always felt I came second to her even though he was with me, and that's not right. He should have stayed married to her instead of divorcing her because she was mean,cruel and incapable of loving- come to think of it, they are a perfect couple. I guess when I saw how complicated it was I should have ran...but I didn't. Next time I know better. NO more crazy ex wives.
Hey "Jane is Dating," I'm a quick one to forget what I'd said, but whatever words I used must've been like throwing gasoline on a small brush fire. If I recall, I never mentioned the "ex," instead I commented about a father having a right to see his children (unless of course, the courts won't allow it). Thanks for sharing the bigger, uglier, picture and hopefully things will work out for you. I'll be back and I promise "no putting out fire with gasoline."
thats a nice speech..be ashamed of where youve been to set new goals..
im just curious...do you have pedophiles in your list to be hanged?
nice pic btw!!
I have said that a few times in life-- that we've lost a sense of shame. If one of my brothers or I had ended up in prison, it would have been a huge source of shame for my family. With some families, its an expectation, and something to brag about.
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