Tuesday, March 13, 2007


No scissors. No socks.

Today was one of those days where nothing seems to go according to plan. As I emptied the contents of my gym bag into an empty locker—a morning ritual consisting of hanging my dress shirt, corduroys, and belt on metal hooks—I noticed that I forgot to pack dress socks. Faced with a dilemma, and already in my jogging suit, I decided to run without socks. Six miles later, I had blisters on my feet.

At least I have one of those cushy jobs where I don’t have to walk around much. In fact, if I so choose, I can remain seated during each class session. There was a time where I monitored each student’s progress and instructed the class from the chalkboard, but for reasons unknown to me, every time I turned my back someone would say, “Motherfuckin’ Honky.” To borrow that popular Burger King phrase, I said, “Fine. Have it your way,” and smashed the chalk against the ledge.

If my students are genuinely interested in pursuing their education, I have them approach my desk. As long as I don’t lean back in my chair and get too comfortable, not today anyway, wouldn’t want them to discover my white tube socks and dress shoes and start in with the Michael Jackson “Moon Walking” jokes. Hell, if they’ve been down too long they might ask, “What’s with the bobby socks?”


Anonymous said...

Jim, That's funny! You probably didn't need any socks anyways due to our extremely warm (70F+) weather. What a beautiful day. I'm sure the inmates loved it today because they got to play B-ball outside in this wonderful weather. --Bro, Ron

Donnetta Lee said...

Course we've all heard of people wearing socks that don't match. Not that I've ever done anything like that, you understand. Donnetta

Bardouble29 said...

What a funny ordeal, and I hate those little blisters!

Erik Donald France said...

Oh Lord -- I seem to have about fifteen single dress socks with no matches. Where the hell do they go? Why keep them if their matching one doesn't "show up" again?

EE said...

You would actually have your back to these guys????
Hope you didn't ever drop the chalk...teehee

geewits said...

If someone had noticed the socks, you could have said, "Oh! I guess I've been watching too much 'Letterman'!"

And like ee said, don't turn your back on these guys.

lastlifeinmyuniverse said...

i like teachin. it keeps my mind off sex. i cant say the same for my students though.

Anonymous said...

Nice post. I would have just worn the sock and to hell wuyh them, MW

etain_lavena said...

Did they see the white socks by the end of the day, or did you get away with this horrible crime:)

Charles Gramlich said...

The fact that you destroyed chalk makes me wince. At my university it has become an item of exchange, an item to covet. Seldom do you find chalk in the classrooms so you bring your own, but then you don't dare leave it because it will be gone the next day. I carry it in my pockets and always hope I won't forget to take it out before laundry day.