Wednesday, March 28, 2007


I’ve occasionally heard about college girls paying their tuition by working in strip clubs and escort services, so when a posse of middle-aged women corralled me and started shoving dollar bills down my pants, I knew I’d inadvertently stooped to a new all-time low. “Please put the money in my hand,” I initially said as they coyly distracted me one after another. Then, tired from my all-nighter and outnumbered, I raised my arms above my shoulders and said, “Bring it on.”

My days of donning a chauffeur’s cap and leather gloves and driving a Lincoln Continental stretch limousine ended years ago. I’ve regained my dignity—that is, if you can tolerate some of the convicts’ insults and the monotonous routines of prison work. The money certainly is better. A three hour limo ride meant fifteen dollars in my pocket plus whatever tip money came my way. The drunker the clients, the better the tip; In this case, as I drove down the road, these middle-aged women lowered the divider window and tossed their bras onto the dashboard in a moment of glee. Hardly a dull moment that night; the money kept coming in, via my awkward dance routine.

From my three years of chauffeuring, I can honestly say that those bachelorette parties were the raunchiest. After bar-hopping all night, after witnessing a soon-to-be bride pick up her third male bar-patron, after being interrupted from doing my college coursework and sitting on the hood of the car as it violently rocked back and forth, I thought about whether her soon-to-be husband was performing some deviant acts of his own. Perhaps, since she had told me his bachelor party was scheduled on the very same night, they had agreed to one last hurrah, one last go-around, a sure-fire-way of complicating their marriage even before it started. Myself, I’d rather keep life simple. In fact, before my wife and I got hitched, we had one big pre-wedding party, and I promised her that my chauffeuring days were over.


Anonymous said...

Great post. Those were the days.
MW :)

Donnetta Lee said...

JR: I was always too naive to do anything like this!! Now that I'm older, I'm really too naive! Those were the days that were (apparently)!


EA Monroe said...

You could have made it big dancing at Walter Mitties in Norman! I enjoyed your post.

Roz said...

You've lived an exciting life.

Plain Jane said...

you know you loved it...little perv ;)

Anonymous said...

Jim, So did YOU go out with a BANG? Ah, whats a few wild women having a little fun with the chauffe? Hey, at least you were bringing in the doe after doing all those lap dances!! :) --Bro, Ron

Plain Jane said...

ok how is my post any worst than Mr. 'your bro Ron?' you know I'm kidding. And I already bought all those tests- thing is some of them actually talked back at me and said 'ah, yeah you actually need to be 'doing it' in order to be getting me to work. Talk to me in a few months though. And if you dont get it then all is lost. boo hoo

JR's Thumbprints said...

Hey "Jane is Dating," I draw the line at lap dances.

Jo said...

I can't even imagine having a fling like that the night before getting married. ***shudder*** I wonder if the marriage lasted.

My goodness, and I thought your current job was interesting. You have led an interesting life!


Danny Tagalog said...

Sounds like good scenes for future stories. Pre-wedding party? Reminds me that I had a Pre-Wedding Honeymoon. I went into my wedding day knowing more than ever that I'd made the right choice.

islandgrovepress said...

This brings an entirely new meaning to the internet acronym of WTF.


ivan said...

This brings an entirely new meaning to the internet acronym of WTF.


Lone Grey Squirrel said...

Reminds me of the joke at the wedding party.
Guest 1 : What did you give the couple?
Drunk Guest 2 : I gave them 3 months.

Wow. Always thought those tales of the wild adventures of a chauffuer were just a Hollywood myth. Guess not. I'm not thinking Bill Pullman anymore but more Jude Law in Alfie.

Charles Gramlich said...

Ok, I'm not sure I needed to wake up this morning to an image of you doing a strip-tease for a group of drunken women. Going to go scrub my brain now.

Lana Gramlich said...

I sometimes wondered, but then again, I may be old fashioned...
If someone is in love enough to marry someone else, why would they even want to screw w/someone else before the wedding? In a similar vein, most of the weddings I've been to have featured either a very hungover groom, or a still drunk one.
Can no one wait until after the formalities for total loss of self-control? I always thought that's what the reception was for. Could it be an indication that perhaps they don't really want to marry this person, after all?

the walking man said...

I have only been invited to one bachelor party (my own consisting of a fifth and the TV) and I brought along a fifth of Absolute that I put in the freezer and the rule was only the groom and I could drink from it. Poor guy wasn't a big drinker so by the time I got the fifth shot down him he went and laid his head on his fathers lap and passed out, peeing himself.

By the time the strippers got there he missed it all, still passed out on his dad lap.

They have been married 16 years now and my brother in law still won't laugh about pissing on himself or drink anything but beer he makes himself.

I just can't figure out why I have never been invited to anymore bachelor parties.

ZZZZZZZ said...

wow, looking sharp Jim!

Erik Donald France said...

Dapper dude, funny post -- recently a student at Macomb explained that he had to miss classes so he could drive some strippers around to such parties. Peppy was the name, cash was the game. Did you have to intervene as an impromptu bodyguard, or protect yourself from any of your charges?

Joey B. said...

Protection works!