Now that Stephen Grant, the prime suspect in the murder of his wife Tara Lynn, has been apprehended, the Hackel Hotel (Macomb County Jail) will be patiently awaiting his arrival. I'm sure they will keep him healthy by outfitting him with a Golden Smock made by Ferguson Safety Products. Here's what the company says about their specialty item:
Safely provides warmth and modesty for suicidal individuals in locked facilities. This garment is designed to eliminate features that make other clothing potential weapons of self-harm.
This will guarantee that Mr. Grant is brought to trial, and if found guilty, sentenced accordingly.
Will I be seeing him any time soon? I hope not.
I need one of those golden smocks. The writeup makes it sound downright cozy.
they should sell that to all the campers out there- how purty
Jim, The guy in the photo looks like Kenny Rogers the singer! He looks like he is wrapped up in a big ball of cheese! In the case of Tara Grant and her murderer Stephen Grant, hopefully he'll be locked up for life in the Jackson State Prison.... --Bro, Ron
I feel strange, JR. For some reason I have personalized this case. When I see this man on television, I just want to reach through the screen and grab him. And when I listen to his now ex-lawyer, I shudder.
We'll see how this plays out.
Oh, and I sleep in a golden smock. And have velcro footies.
The ex-lawyer represented Sheriff Hackel's old man in a rape trial too.
No comment here but wanted to let you know that you should be able to view my blog through my profile now. I added the url on the left hand side. I'm not publicly listed so it doesn't show up on the profile. I just learned that! Sorry for any confusion.
Interesting post. I am sure we have not heard the end of this.
Like you I hope he doesn't come to
the ranch, but with the other OPMH I am sure he will blend right in. MW
The golden smock is totally depressing and funny at the same time. Love thep picture.
lol thanks for the thumbs up on the design...would have never thought it would come from you! :) if you (a man) finds it pleasing then great! i've done my job of keeping you guys around. :)
ooo me gosh, no bad ass attitude in that outfit:)
He does look like Kenny Rogers!
As for Stephen Grant, if he's guilty (and it certainly looks that way), it's too bad he didn't die out in the woods and spare the rest of the world the trouble of having to deal with him. The banality of evil one more time, as if we need more examples.
oh no - they are hideous!
Grant confessed. No trial.
Did you know that the guy who sexually assaulted and killed Kitty Genovese and admitted to killing and sexually assaulting two others will be eligible for parole in 2008. While in prison he's already attempted one escape, in which he took hostages and sexually assaulted one of them. His original death sentence was commutted to 20 years but he's been denied parole at least once. Why isn't this guy dead?
As soon as I heard about his arrest, I thought about you.
Since he likes to run around naked, this suit might be very fitting for him.
"Hang Em High!!!!!
British tabloids are saying that Britney Spears tried to hang herself, but I haven't seen that in US papers yet. If true, I wonder if she gets to wear one of these.
I'm glad they caught the guy. Too bad trials and appeals take so long. I know Michigan citizens will get the magnifying glass view of the whole sordid trial too.
I'm with skinnylittleblonde, I wondered about you as soon as I heard he was caught, though it will probably be years before his trial and real prison sentence begin.
I am so laughing!!!
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