If I am the system administrator for the school computers at our facility, then you might as well call me Bill Pullman and Thank You for Smoking in my classroom. As far as I’m concerned (and don’t get me wrong, I love electronic gadgets and the latest technology) the Michigan Department of Technology, aka DIT, in all their infinite wisdom, can figure out this whole computer network mess on their own.
Ten years ago, after former President Bill Clinton’s decree “computers in every classroom,” I threw every computer cord and cable I had into a large box and dropped it into the assistant deputy warden’s office. “Your memo’s in there too,” I told him. “I won’t be needing it.” Back then he wanted the teachers to inventory all the cords and cables at the end of their shift. I didn’t have time for such silliness, considering that the inmates, per policy, could have longer cords in their cells. Hey, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know whether equipment’s missing when booting up the computers each morning.
Once the daily inventory fell by the wayside, this very same deputy-dog sent us a memo demanding we give him every piece of software in our possession. As he pointed out, the Data Processing Coordinator would handle all the software issues. Another laughable, chaotic mess—considering that the DP Coordinator would often ask us for the software in order to fix the problem. “I dunno,” I’d often respond, “Ask the dep, maybe he’s got it.”
Back to DIT, they want to set up a meeting between the school principal and me to sort out any possible computer issues. The DIT guy keeps coming to my classroom asking questions. “I dunno,” I keep answering. Each state department may be understaffed and overworked, yet I see numerous positions available for Program Analysts in DIT, and zero positions available for teachers. My solutions—hire someone who can figure this mess out on their own, or donate the computers to the poorest school district in the county. I’m sure the elementary school kids are more deserving of them anyway.
Jim, Good one! "I dunno". I think this is why my eyes are going bad. These damn computers. I'm on a computer all day at work and then I go on the computer here at night. I'm sure this has created a lot of eye problems since computers were invented. --Bro, Ron
Did you post that pic so someone (me, in this instance) would say, "I think you look more like Richard Gere than Bill Pullman!"?
Also as I am a relatively new reader, I have to ask this question. Okay these questions:
Do you really hate your job so much?
If so, why do you continue there?
what in the hell happened to computer CLASSES? the government can f*^k up a chia pet....
I keep telling myself, "it's the system, stupid." Surely humans can't be so dumb. Surely.
Teaching convicted felons, huh? For fifteen years, no less! I taught in a school for delinquents, but that was only for two years.
We just found out that our IT department doesn't know how to program our phone tree. Where's a geek when you need one?
(I still think you look like Bill Pullman, who is very attractive, by the way...)
When I worked at the University I had to do the work for the IT guy because he couldn't figure anything out on his own, and he was making 3 times what I was!
When I stopped helping he quit and when they couldn't find a replacement I volunteered as long as I received the same pay that he had. But they said "due to budget constraints" they couldn't afford to pay me that much.
Fine! I said, remove your own f^cking viruses and while your at it you can, answers your own phones, make the coffee and do the filing because I quit you sexist a-hole!
-P (don't call me a "Receptionist" or I'll make your day punk)Eastwood
tkkerouac said...
I dunno is like, my answer to everything.
I agree with you 100%. JR, what's the pixie underwear blog? Someone wants you to post to it. Just curious. MW
tkkerouac, huh? under where? under where?
proxima, wow! sounds like the same old shit huh?
geewits, are you kidding? teaching in prison is a hell of alot better than teaching in the public schools, the private schools, and social services. i've taught in all of them.
roz, you beat me teaching the delinquent youths by about six months. i got to see them later on when they came to prison.
Jim, I always wondered why you always bitched about your job but yet are more comfortable teaching in the prison vs. out in the public/private sector???? --Bro, Ron
Hey, Jim,
I agree, give the computers to the kids who could use them. I think it's great that you teach those who want to get an education, but prison is not a rehab center, and you shouldn't have to babysit.
Flat screens for everyone!
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