For the past three months I’ve found my wife frequenting a website that I disapprove of. Although I had my suspicions and checked the web history on our computer, my wife denied the allegations by saying she wasn’t ready to get a dog. Hallelujah! But when I confronted her further—“Why are you visiting every day?”—she smiled and confessed, “I’m looking for a Labradoodle.”
She had access to every Humane Society in the United States and I couldn’t stop her from searching. I told her, “I’m not driving all over Timbuktu for some dog.” So she promised to limit her search to the lower half of Michigan. I knew I had increased my chances of not getting such a creature. The Labradoodle (a cross between a Labrador retriever and a standard-size poodle) is an extremely popular allergen-free dog. It’s also extremely expensive—dog breeders charge $800 and up.
On the internet Friday night she found a Labrador retriever/Poodle mix at the Cascade Township Humane Society in Jackson, Michigan.
“It’s not a Labradoodle,” I said.
“Yes it is,” she countered, showing me a picture of a sad-looking puppy.
After a one-sided discussion (she talked, I objected) we agreed to make the 1 ½ hour drive the following morning. The Humane Society opened at 11 a.m. We didn’t leave our house until 11:30. My way of thinking, if it were indeed a Labradoodle someone would adopt her before us.
Not so. We beat another couple there by ten minutes. Meet Bailey, a three-month old, micro chipped pup. She’s been neutered and her shots are up to date. I’m only $150 in the hole. I’ve already discussed the option of selling her for a handsome profit, but . . .
Nice dog. She looks adorable and should prove to be a keeper I'm sure. Micro chipped and all...what a deal! MW
My mom and I were on that site today, but just looking at different dogs. I think we fell in love with just about every animal that we saw.
My father does NOT want another dog, so my mother and I are going to buy one and smuggle it in, and in our defense, cite a no-money-back guarantee.
I've seen and heard of those- I will be looking for a dog soon and hope to find the bargain you just scored!
Jim, Congrats, your discussions with your significant other didn't end up like the Grants! Another congrats on saving a few bucks by looking on the internet and taking a road trip which meant "FINDING" the right dog. I like the name Bailey. Sort of like Baileys and Cream although not a cream color. I think she will fit in right where Bear left off. --Bro, Ron
Jim, It would be interesting if everyone got a micro chip put in them. Then we would know where everyone is and not have to wait ~3 wks later to find a body.... --Bro, Ron
How adorable! And, I love the name Bailey.
I've never heard of Labradoodles before this.
I hope you fall in love and have many happy years together!! (-:
Congratulations on the new baby! We have a toy poodle complete with papers. Bought him from a naive couple who purchased him with good intentions. They couldn't potty train him and sold him to us, cheap. Hubby was tickled. Cheap registered dog. First thing, puppy gets really sick. Big vet bill. Puppy also has delicate stomach. Has to have special food. Puppy tore up friends curtain. Had to pay for another one. So, the bargain dog came with his own price tag. Now, puppy is almost 6 years old and healthy. Was easy to house train. He rules the roost around here and we love him beyond words. Percy Shelley. Named for the poet. What a bargain! Donnetta
what a cutie..
Cute pup...i totally understand why she couldn't pass up this one.
Awwww, how could you sell a little face like that. I love the name Bailey. I once had a cockerpoodle named Archie.
Give Bailey a little scratch behind the ear from me.
Oh my gosh! That is such a cute dog! I had never even heard of labradoodles! That is so cool! Bailey is adorable.
My pup's a husky/wolf/black lab mix. He is quite the character!
If I were a Labradoodle, I think I'd be more neurotic than I ordinarily am.
Dreams of beaty and power in a body that is more frog than prince. LOL.
Marvelous acquisition.
Cute dog, Jim! And I love the description of the one-sided conversation -- I've had a few of those!
Pfft, most well-bred dogs cost that much! Let the woman have her Labradoodle!
Agggggg Jr how can you put a price on that face....she is a adoreadoodle:)
Labradoodle? It's going to take me a while to get over that name.
Awww! What a cutie!
I know I'll lose serious man-points here, but we have four poodles and I love them rascals with all of my heart.
Labs and standard poodles have lots of personality and are gentle too.
You'll have to keep us posted about "training" and more pics.
Time for an Irish Bailey's cream to celebrate ;) Labradoodle -- hilarious
This is a cutie. A buck fifty isn't bad. Bernie, who was a year old and a wildman (cockapoo) when I got him from a rescue group, cost two hundred and I still had to front more money to a vet.
Anyway, labradoodle, an absurd name and a cute breed.
oh she looks so sweet. hang in there, they're great to have around. ..dogs that is
Hope Bailey is a good fit for your family, Jim. She looks very sweet.
i think Bailey is cute!the reason why your wife could ignore him simply :)
happy weekend!!
couldnt* i meant..ooppss!
What a great find by your wife! Labradoodles are the best!! I wish you many years of enjoyment fom him. And since he is a rescue dog he will probably be one of the most loyal dogs you could ever ask for.
Bailey is old is Bailey now? Is she pretty shaggy or shorter coated?
You should stop by my doodle website: and congrats to your lucky wife who found him on Petfinder...not always easy to find a specific mix! If you ever want to rescue a SECOND doodle, try ... it is the rescue/rehome in the USA for doodles.
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