First of all, her district’s competition is scheduled on the same day that I volunteer at another school district. She knew this in advance. She even mentioned it in her email, which in turn means that I would have to come up with duplicate insect displays. Secondly, I let her borrow all of this material for their district event last year, and in return, I got a half-dozen chocolate-covered pretzel sticks for my efforts. Correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t you think someone who has won the United States Presidential Teaching Award for Science (again, it’s on her business card) would demonstrate a tad bit more appreciation—perhaps a gift-card or certificate for a nice dinner out. The chocolate covered pretzel sticks were probably given to her from a parent anyway.
Correct me if I’m wrong—remember, I’m just your average Joe and probably not the brightest, but don’t you think that if she really wanted my insect displays and test material, she’d change the date of their district competition? Last but not least, her school district (they have a higher socio-economic status than where I live) kicked my school districts proverbial ass at the county competition. Besides, she has her summers off. She should spend her time and effort collecting and researching her own damn insects.
Desirea Madison of "Ambition" tagged me with the following: “Five Things You Probably Don’t Know About Me.” Here it goes:
1. My high school graduating class voted me “The Biggest Grouch,” in their mock elections.
2. I used to be a foot soldier for General Biscuit. My enemy: National Biscuit (Nabisco).
3. As a limousine chauffeur, I once left six middle-aged women stranded at a gas station when their divorce party turned into a “we hate all males” night.
4. As the new kid in a new junior high trying to gain a reputation as a “bad ass,” I deliberately stepped on another kid’s hand, breaking his thumb.
5. At my old junior high, I deliberately hit the classroom bully over the back of his head with a drafting stool because he poked me with his compass on a daily basis. I served a three-day suspension for my deed.
Sounds to me as if Madam Award Winner is a bit on the lazy side. But then, sometimes folks win awards for doing lots of stuff because they get others to do most of that stuff. I'd have been irritated as well.
Great post mongoose. You know what to do to them snakes. Correct me if I'm wrong. You are passive aggressive. MW
It looks like you got plenty of bugs to share with her. Don't be so stubborn.
The National Biscuit Co. figures as a symbol in "The Great Gatsby."
Hey Jim,
I agree - chocolate covered pretzels? Where is the money, booze, and gift certificates? As for you being voted Biggest Grouch, say it ain't so! Ha! Love this one, Jim.
The one I loved was the stranding of the six women who had turned their party into a hate-fest. That was totally cool. Actually, I could see that as being a scene in some fun movie!
I bet you surprised her by refusing. She'll have to think of a more convincing way to persuade you.
Sounds like you can identify with those convicts . . . smaller crimes nonetheless.
Best to refuse that business card without delay. What is she playing at,knowing you were booked, etc?
Funny post. Maybe this year, your school district will kick her school district's proverbial ass and then you can offer her some chocolate covered pretzel sticks as a consolation prize.
I coached a number of Science Olympiad events for two of my three daughters, the latest of which was "Rock Hound" when my youngest was in 5th grade. I bought all the rocks and tools we needed and was reimbursed by our school district. That lady sounds like a lot of people with puffed up titles after their name...they tend to shuffle responsibility, AND the blame when things don't quite work out. I agree with MW, you do seem passive aggressive, Jim, but at least you told her NO. Next time, tell her to look up the word Competition...lol Happy Sunday!
Jim, I remember the hard work it takes to coach Science Olympiad. I would have said the same - NO. --Bro, Ron
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