I’m not comfortable with compliments because in the prison system most words and actions are calculated maneuvers. Maybe the inmate wants to soften me up so he can get some typing paper or a calendar or a stick of gum—although gum requests seemed to have dropped off lately due to my gross display of offering them the chewed piece in my mouth.
I guess what I’m really trying to say is that I have a difficult time accepting praise. After fifteen years of working in a correctional facility, you tend to view things from a different perspective, you become cynical, and your habits seemed to get altered—like sitting with your back to the wall and facing the exit while dining in a restaurant—your optimism slowly transforms into pragmatism or worse. No Pollyanna glad games here; afterall, doesn’t Pollyanna die in the end? No one’s going to snuff me out early without a fight. At least in the restaurant I can crawl under the table during a hold up and fight for my survival.
Now that I’ve thrown all my self-loathing and negativity to the wind, I’d like to publicly thank Ellie for her kind words. If you haven’t already read what she had to say about me, I suggest you have a look for yourself: Ellie's praise. Also, if you leave her a comment, I beg of you: Don’t talk about me. Heaven forbid that the truth comes out.
Thanks for keeping me motivated, Ellie. PS “How much do I owe you?”
Hey Jim,
You deserve the praise! You're in the trenches, doing good writing all the time!
Hey JR. I have been reading and enjoying her blog for sometime now. Ever since you mentioned that she commented on one of your posts.
I should start leaving comments. On another note:
I didn't know there are two morons in oxymoron. That's a typo right? MW
As you can see, Jim, not all who compliment you have ulterior motives. Some of us are a lot like you, say it how we see it. You are a talented writer, showing us what most of us will never see. Cheers to you, Jim! Keep the pen to the paper...or the keyboard dancing!
Hi JR,
Thanks for the praise you left in the comments of my blog. Though, after reading your post I feel a bit more cynical about it. So, what do you want?
Just kidding of course - it is much appreciated, thank you!
You deserve every ounce of praise she dished out and then some.
As the others have said, you deserve every bit of praise you get.
Your dealing with an inmate who says that is like my mom dealing with my siblings & I. If we start complimenting her excessively, her first response is, "What do you want?".
Hey Thumbprints,
I get on my site meter a bit ago and see all these people coming from your site, so I decided I better come see what it is about.
At least you are honest about your feelings. No sugarcoating coming from you! I just wonder...in your not being able to handle praise too well, did you sort of miss my name? It is Ellie, not Emily, but that is ok...I understand...
Maybe the phentermine product would help with your recieving praise problems?
Oh, you owe me nothing...I don't work that way. You have talent...Thumbprints...I love when people use their talent...
It looks like somebody observed the fact that you don't like compliments and served up a huge helping of spam here in your comments window. What the hell is phentermine cod?
I agree, though. Sometimes blogging seems like a bunch of nicey nice back slapping. I consider it truly honest when I post something stupid - and I see that nobody at all has commented on it - that - to me - is honest.
Ok then, it's Ellie and not Emily. I swear I'm not taking drugs. I even deleted the spam. Thanks for pointing out my mistake Ellie.
If it's any comfort. Pollyanna doesn't die--she just gets paralyzed from the waste down. I have no doubt that your recent inmate complement was sincere, but I don’t blame you for facing the entrance when you eat. =)
Hombre, all power to you. Damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead.
Hey Patterns of Ink,
You're absolutely correct! Pollyanna doesn't die. Paralysis doesn't seem like much of a choice either. I'll keep facing the entrance with my back against the wall.
Sounds like students in prison are not that different from the ones in my college. Whenever my students tell me what a great teacher I am, my first response is usually, "Ok, what do you need?" I'm not often off the mark.
Ok Jim, After writing on your blog for some time now (since May 06), what do you want???? :) Whatever it is, keep going after it!! --Bro, Ron
Ok Jim, After writing on your blog for some time now (since May 06), what do you want???? :) Whatever it is, keep going after it!! --Bro, Ron
I want all those prescription drugs listed above.
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