It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing.
—Duke Ellington
In the local section of the Detroit Free Press I read an article titled, “Adultery could mean life, court finds.” According to Michigan’s criminal code: anyone involved in an adulterous relationship where sex is involved can be charged with CSC I (Criminal Sexual Conduct). Our very own Attorney General Mike Cox, a confessed adulterer himself, successfully appealed a lower court’s decision to drop CSC charges against a defendant. His office went as far as to say that consensual sex between the two adults was irrelevant. I guess they really want to keep this defendant locked-up, afterall, he’s a drug dealer, and he often traded his product for a little extra curricular activity.
Speaking of overturned convictions, the Michigan Supreme Court had 90 days to grant Mr. Remick a new trial or cut him loose (see 12/15/06 posting for more information). The Attorney General’s office notified Mr. Remick’s lawyer of a hearing date regarding this matter and the information was forwarded to him:
Dear Mr. Remick:
Enclosed you will find the brief filed by the prosecutor in your case. They are attempting to appeal your case to the Michigan Supreme Court. They must attempt to file for leave within 56 days which they did. I have 21 days to file a response in opposition, no matter how incorrect the lower trial Courts have been, the prosecutors appeal everything that they lose. Unfortunately, the Michigan Supreme Court is unbelievably pro prosecution. However, it is not as if there is not case law supporting the reversal ordered by the Court of Appeals. Once I file a response, the Supreme Court can either grant leave, in which case I’ll have to file further briefs, or they can deny leave and then the ruling by the Court of Appeals stands.
I will forward my responsive brief in opposition just as soon as I file it.
The Law Offices of Dewey, Cheetum, and Howe.
Now I’m wondering—whose wife did Mr. Remick sleep with? And if so, was she tried and convicted as well? They certainly want to keep him behind bars.
Maweiyi623 ^ (shudders) Don't do it JR
I don't condone havig an affair but I'm flexible one rules...but life in prison is very harsh...
I walk the line--because you're mine.
Adultery as a crime?! Good grief, you can't even get two years in Texas for a violent sexual assault charge usually, much less a consensual "crime". I think the term is "alienation of affection" (the term used in divorce court) which is a term I love.
According to Mathew 5:27-31 Jesus identified adultery this way;
27"You have heard that it was said, 'Do not commit adultery.'[a] 28But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. (NIV)
Adultery has always been a problem and it is identified in the Old Testament through the Ten Commandments.
In the Wikipedia defintion Adultery is a married woman having sexual intercourse with a man that is not her husband but a married man have sexual intercourse with a woman that is not his wife is considered to be philandering. Sounds like a double standard to me.
Either way the district attorney is overstepping his bounds and laws concerning adultery should be left to one's Clergy and divorce lawyers.
Is this just in Michigan? Can't believe that adultery leads to jail. Is it an early April Fool?!
I too would be interested to know if charges are being brought against the female - let us know if you find out.
Bizarro. What a strange world we live in. Michigan doesn't hang people anymore, at least. Rolling Stones' "Stray Cat Blues" -- "It's no hanging matter, it's no capital crime. . ."
I am not a fan of adultery but prison time seems really ridiculous. They are grasping at straws to keep the drug dealer in...
You might want to check out his file in records, or talk to his RUM or ARUS. I have a feeling all is not what it appears to be. MW
JR, I agree with "anonymous". There is much more going on there than meets the eye. They're holding him for something else. My goodness, if the state of Michigan is like anywhere else, there wouldn't be enough prisons to hold all the adulterers. I should think their guilty conscience should be enough punishment anyway. It's a crummy thing to do to a spouse and to the "other person". No one wins and everyone gets hurt.
Keep us posted.
Seems like they're just looking for a reason to keep a person locked up, and I guess they've found one, however ridiculous it may seem.
Seems like they're just looking for a reason to keep a person locked up, and I guess they've found one, however ridiculous it may seem.
Seems like they're just looking for a reason to keep a person locked up, and I guess they've found one, however ridiculous it may seem.
I heard this on the radio this morning. Must be something else behind this ordeal. Love that photo of your head sticking in the downed power lines. Watch out or you'll be somewhere else. !! --Bro, Ron
I remember taking a class once and we explored all kinds of ridiculous laws from the past that have never been taken off the books. You'd be suprised at all the goofy laws that are still around but not enforced throughout the country. But life in prison for adultery, I'd say about half the state would probably be in prison if this law that was left on the books as an oversight was to be enforced. I love the picture with the iced up power lines.
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