Better that I never become an elected official, not even an appointed one. Once, during my highschool senior year, I received the most votes from my peers to be our cross country captain, but after one too many complaints and rumors of my free spirited ways as a weekend warrior, the coach decided at the midseason point, after a dismal Detroit Lions type record, to have cocaptains. I considered it a demotion, laughed it off, and no longer offered sound advice. “I suggest you stick with the front pack,” I’d tell the inexperienced freshmen, knowing that the other team used two or three rabbits at the beginning of a race to tire out their opponents. I might’ve fooled them once or twice, but not for long. If I were on Survivor, I’m the type of person you’d forget about on account of my getting the ax at the first tribal counsel.
It’s best that I keep my mouth shut and listen to others. As the saying goes: You learn with your ears and not your mouth. Which brings me to my next point—don’t let the title of Joel Saltzman’s self-help book fool you—writing is not easy—it’s the most difficult, most self-tortuous task I’ve ever wrestled with. Joan Didion got it right about the whole writing process, “…that there is always a point in the writing of a piece when I sit in a room literally papered with false starts and cannot put one word after another and imagine that I have suffered a small stroke, leaving me apparently undamaged but actually aphasic.” Gee, maybe I should drop my pencil and run like hell.
With that said, I’d like to take a moment to nominate two individuals for the Seventh Annual Weblog Awards . In the “Best Teen Weblog” category my choice is Theory of Thought by none other than The Thinker. This anonymous sixteen-year-old young lady not only understands HTML code, but she knows how to effectively communicate with other bloggers. Her writing style is not only mature for her age, but also thought-provoking. My other nomination goes to Michelle's Spell for “Best Writing of a Weblog.” Don’t let the provocative pictures fool you; as my former writing instructor, Dr. Brooks (yeah Ph.D) consistently demonstrates a natural ability with words. She’s also the person who got me started with this whole blogging business. Thanks for suggesting a daily dose of pain in the form of mini-strokes—what better way for me to improve my writing. Both candidates deserve recognition for their steady dedication to writing in the blogosphere. Please vote by January 10th. Thanks.
You have to vote in three categories to be counted, so choose a third blog that you think is deserving of another award.
I think for teen blog I'd vote for this 14 year old called Helen (she's on my blog roll).
I would definately vote for Helen!!!
Michelle who? Oh, dat one.
Hey Jim,
Thank you a million times over for the nomination! Daily doses of pain are good for you. Thanks again -- I'm really touched (and not in that southern way when they mean in the head.)
True: "You learn with your ears and not your mouth." Wish some people would take heed of it round here.
True: the words of your ex writing instructor. Like all things, it takes regular exertion. I looked at that 16 year olds blog, and she's well on the way....
I used to hate blogs, thinkign them frivolous, but how wrong I was...
True: "You learn with your ears and not your mouth." Wish some people would take heed of it round here.
True: the words of your ex writing instructor. Like all things, it takes regular exertion. I looked at that 16 year olds blog, and she's well on the way....
I used to hate blogs, thinkign them frivolous, but how wrong I was...
Hey Jim,
Thanks for the head's up on Theory of Thought. I wish I was half so together at her age or this one for that matter!
Thanks for the mention, JR.
By the way, to those struggling with who to vote for, you can nominate up to three people per category and this is just the nominating round. Voting comes later on.
I definately think that the best teen blog I've read is from Theory of Thought. It's hard to believe that this writing comes from only a child. She is much wiser than her years. Michelle was my daughter Sheila's teacher too. She got Sheila started on this blogging stuff, who in turn got me started on it.
Great idea. I will make sure to vote. Thanks. MW
Ooh, this is groovy! Don't forget Latin America ;)
Three cheers, 'E
I've read the young girls' blog "Theory of Thought" before (I think you have mentioned her before) and she is amazing. Incredibly bright for her age.
BTW, is that can of Coors in the picture there as a product placement...?
Hey Josie,
That can of Coors belongs to my wife. It's never been opened. She said I could drink it after our wedding. Fourteen years later and it still remains unopened.
I'm too new to blogging to know much, but SQT and Stewart have great blogs with lots of interesting (at least to me) discussion.
Alcohol and desperation come hand-in-hand with writing at times for me.
Coors Light is a good choice.
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