I used to count going to the gym at five o’clock in the morning and running six miles as quality time for myself, but as I get older and wiser, I treat it for what it is—a way to burn calories and boost my metabolism rate while half-asleep. What can I say? If I’m going to feel like a gerbil on a wheel, I might as well make it as painless as possible. Maybe I need to get a hobby, something more than the occasional Sudoku puzzle or television show to occupy my mind.
More and more, I study that damn calendar like an inmate studies the hashmarks on his cell wall. Allow me to do some quick math regarding “eighty and out,” (My Age + Years of Employment = Retirement). I’m forty-three with fifteen years of teaching in the Department of Corrections. That’s fifty-eight. Subtract that from eighty. Twenty-two. Cut that number in half. Eleven. Yeah right, as if I’ll be able to retire when I’m fifty-four (54 + 26 = 80). After completing his first year of retirement, my dad said, “I don’t know where I ever found the time to go to work, I’m busier now than ever before.” Imagine that! When is it going to be my turn?
Cool he's enjoying his retirement!
Waking up at 5...going to gym, what planet are you people from!
I know shadow, I'd like to think that in another life I'm getting up and running to the gym.
I'll tell you what JR...just for you, I'm gonna go to that book sale in Ann Arbor. I'll let you know how it is.
uh...by the way, when is it? No, that's okay, I'll look it up on their calendar of events.
Like your significant half, I do need to write down all important dates & events.
Five o'clock in the morning? Six miles?! I wish I could be that committed to something.
Some people so inspire me!
I just wish I had the gumption to get up early enough to exercise before work! I do have to get up a bit earlier as my dog now has decided we have to play a game of "fetch the ball" before I get to go to work! I am in my pjs, with a winter coat on and throwing this tennis ball for her and then she thinks it is fun to hang on to the ball and make me retrieve it from her mouth (if I can, while she is running circles around me). And that is the exercise I get early in the morning! Shivers and mumbles, but I really do love the dog, she is just a bit of a handful at times!
Well I am also enjoying my retirement and your Dad is right, it is very easy to end up as busy as when we worked. However, there is one big difference... I do only things that bring me enjoyment and happiness (except for an occasional house cleaning which I had to do when I worked also). Your day will come and believe me, it retirement is well worth all of the 32 years of hard work in the public school system. Blessings to you in 2007.
JR, you do have a hobby. You're a writer. It's an avocation and you should turn it into a vocation. What is the saying, "Find something you love doing and earn money doing it?" Something like that...
I haven't managed to hang my 2007 calendar yet and the only thing I've managed to write on it would be the birthdays that I could remember without having to call someone or flip through pages. Unless I was already awake from the night before... you couldn't get me up at 5am. You might as well put crime scene tape around my body cuz I'm not moving! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
I haven't managed to hang my 2007 calendar yet and the only thing I've managed to write on it would be the birthdays that I could remember without having to call someone or flip through pages. Unless I was already awake from the night before... you couldn't get me up at 5am. You might as well put crime scene tape around my body cuz I'm not moving! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
I haven't managed to hang my 2007 calendar yet and the only thing I've managed to write on it would be the birthdays that I could remember without having to call someone or flip through pages. Unless I was already awake from the night before... you couldn't get me up at 5am. You might as well put crime scene tape around my body cuz I'm not moving! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
I thought writing was a hobby? You didn't go and turn it into a job did
ya? I am going to do more fishing this year since we are having such a warm winter. Get yer pole and come along Huck...MW
Love new calendars.. its an addiciton of mine I have 3 so far! lol Running early in the am huh???? Where oh where do you get the energy? ~M
New calanders, new pictures, new dates to pencil in...
Never really my cup of tea.
This blog of yours seems to be a very productive and healthy hobby though, no need to look further. Unless of course you want to dig a pond for your front yard after the thaw.
Hey Jim,
I hear you! I try to take pleasure in things, but it's tough. I would love to have more free time -- the days I do, I think that I've died and gone to heaven!
Jim, Just remember to not forget the great catfish tournament!! That's the most important thing, well.... --Bro, Ron
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