—E.B. White “The Ring of Time”
After one month of training at the DeMarse Academy in Lansing, Michigan—more appropriately known as the school for the blind, a place Stevie Wonder once attended—and after years of observation (otherwise known as “looking the other way”), I have learned the art of spin. Rule Number One (actually it’s the only rule): When an inmate complains about something, place the blame directly on his shoulders or let him talk until he’s tired of listening to himself.
Our former quartermaster knew all to well how to play this game:
A rather large inmate stretched a pair of thirty-two inch underwear across his waistline. “Do these look like they fit?” he asked.
“No they don’t,” the quartermaster answered.
“Then why are you giving them to me?”
“Look,” the quartermaster explained, “I only process and fill the orders. You wrote thirty-two’s on your form. Maybe you like wearing your underwear tight.”
Or the classic dialogue I’ve been known to use on the low-functioning inmates that bitch about my never scheduling them for the GED Exams:
“You better put me down this time or I’m going to the school principal to lodge a complaint.”
“You want me to put you down?” I ask.
“Yes,” I hear.
“Okay, you’re ugly.”
Or the inmate who discovers that I may have spun him one time too many:
“You tricked me,” he says.
“No I did not,” I reply. “If I wanted to trick you, I would’ve made you wear a wig and a butt-thong and had you prancing down Woodward Avenue.”
In our service-oriented McPrison industry, our customers are always complaining. They’ll say stuff like: “If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t have a job.” Little do they know, there are plenty of fools in the world ready to join the circus.
Speaking of complaints, after phoning Detroit Edison, they paid us a visit to look at our extremely low wires. They informed us that our telephone pole, erected in 1942, is leaning towards our house and may need to be replaced. Also, they said our neighbor’s trees will need to be cut down. Hopefully I won’t be powerless. Where would I be without it?
Your ugly - nice its safer then going in for a really bad put down.
I love the humor of this post, Jim. Here's to not losing any power ever!
It sucks to lose power. I don't need the TV or anything but heat and lights at night and the fridge would be nice... hehehe
haha!thats funny JR!now i learned how to put a woman down: "you`re ugly!"LOL!
thanx for the sense of humour...though I could sense how hard you handle the inmates :)
“You better put me down this time or I’m going to the school principal to lodge a complaint.”
“You want me to put you down?” I ask.
“Yes,” I hear.
“Okay, you’re ugly.”
Man, that was like lobbing an easy one to Sammy Sosa at bat.
"may" need replacing? Sounds like your electic company are masters of the understatement.
Now, JR, if you were only an action hero you'd be able to do back flips through those low hanging wires without touching a one.
The circus is a good description.
Have to include staff as well.
Looking for clarification on your adultery/life in prison post. Or was it artistic license? MW
I love the put down part of this post. Very funny. As for those low wires, not so funny. I hope you don't lose power or worse yet, I hope that leaning pole doesn't fall on your house!
If you do become powerless, what will all your blog readers do?
For our sake, get those wires fixed!
Funny. I am not sure if you live in Detroit proper, but if you do, I feel for you regarding the power situation. The power grid there is insane, sometimes feeling like a patchwork quilt.
I lived on the northwest side, and it always stunned me how often the power went out. And as luck would have it, it always seemed to affect our side of the block and not the people across the street.
And your insults were great. Working with kids, I have to bite my lip and turn away. I envy the freedom to give wit free rein.
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Jim, Yes there are plenty fools around who are willing to join the circus. Great analogy. Watch those power lines. What would we do if your power went out? (I.e. no more JR blogging???). --Bro, Ron
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