The second teacher, who is definitely not a morning person, looked at me rather irritably and yanked his wallet out of his back pocket and found his gate manifest. “So,” the rookie officer observed, “he’s allowed to bring reading material into the prison.” Then she turned to me and asked, “Where’s yours?”
The second teacher chimed in, “Yeah, where’s yours?” He knew I didn’t have one.
I went through my usual you-should-be-greatful-that-I-helped-you-learn-something-about-the-prison-system routine, which, by the way, worked. Both of us were permitted to enter the facility. My coworker looked at me incredulously, “Man, you’re something else.”
“I was trying to help them out,” I said.
“No you weren’t,” he argued. Although crabby in the morning, he was definitely alert.
Not to be evasive, but the book I was bringing into the prison wasn’t technically a book—it was a journal, an inaugural issue of “Murdaland.” I’ve been reading, discussing, and studying the stories in it. I’ve been reworking my nonfiction piece, “Kenny’s Got a Toad,” extending the storyline, making it nonfiction (there has to be a murder) and prepping it for the editor.
Not to be the one to have the last word, but if I’m confronted about reading material again, here’s my answer: “Unlike the other teacher, who is a vocational teacher, I do not need a gate manifest because I am an academic teacher.”
When I first read this: expletive deleted.....But after waking up and reading it, I can understand now how a "disoriented parallax" can come to fruition. Questionable academics indeed. However, have another pop on me sunshine.
MW :)
It's an oxymoron, moron--like civil war. I hope this doesn't manifest into something it's not. You do realize what a pack of squares can get me, don't you? See you on the inside.
Happy to hear you're enjoying the debut.
For what it's worth you don't need a murder to be in 'Murdaland'. Check out our submission's guidelines on the site or better yet send us an e-mail at murdaland@murdalandmagazine.com
Nice post by the way. We're always psyched to learn of ways we've penetrated security systems!
For some reason I couldn't post this comment on your "head rush" post, but I really enjoyed that piece. The surreal elements of it produced an interesting feeling, as if truths were about to be revealed but the reader had just not "quite" grasped them yet. I like this element of writing, in that it evokes depth. Good stuff.
Great post as usual, JR!
Hope you're having a good weekend! =)
Hey Thumbprints,
There is a ~wink~ waiting for you on The Cedar Chest.
Hi JR!!Im glad you dropped by my site!I was looking for your site this morning.the server was down or i thought you`ve moved your site and lost you :)
I am curious by your"you-should-be-greatful-that-I-helped-you-learn-something-about-the-prison-system routine,"style that`s s0 effective.
a healthy and wealthy 2007 to you and yours :)
Ah the gradations of teachers.
The Hammers and the Preppies.
I must say I developed a real complex when I was laterally arabesqued from English teacher to academic upgrading teacher.
I was suddenly in baroque company, like you probably are.
Took a long time to get rid of the cusswords and crudities once I got back to where I was comfortable.
But I was marked down as a "hammer" and it stayed for a long time.
There is also this hubris...
Best way to satisfy the ego is towrite good. Heh.
Jim, Any way to get in to work even when at times you may not be able to get in and work!!! --Bro, Ron
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