Sunday, November 26, 2006


When I stopped over my parent’s house several Christmases ago, my dad had Santa Claus chained to a tree. I wanted to ask him how Santa was going to deliver presents to all those good little boys and girls around the world. He didn’t give me a chance. “Those pisscutters stole your mother’s Santa,” he explained, “but they aren’t getting this one.” Pisscutters, for whatever reason, seemed to be my dad’s most popular reference for bored teenagers in the area. It was those pisscutters that smashed his mailbox with a baseball bat. It was those pisscutters that gave him a lawn job. My dad’s word choice seemed appropriate. So did his keen sense of observation when it came to pointing the finger—all it takes, he had said, is for one rotten kid to live nearby.

My dad’s always had his suspicions, like when his battery disappeared from his truck, and Steve, the kid on the next street, managed to get his eggbeater of a car running the very next day. Steve, as rumor would have it, did a few local B & E’s. The Michigan State Police visited his house quite often.

One neighbor, Mr. Nelson, ran onto his back deck and lost his footing while giving chase to an unidentified thief. I remember coming home from high school, his two daughters stepping off the bus, greeting him while he waited in the driveway, sitting in his wheel chair, his head propped up, a quadriplegic, not unlike the late Christopher Reeves. I also wondered about Steve’s innocence and how he felt as he sat near the back, staring out the window. It didn’t take him long to switch to the opposite side of the bus where he didn’t have to look at Mr. Nelson on a daily basis.

This year I put my plastic Santa Claus lawn ornament in my fenced-in backyard, overlooking the waterfall on my pond. I can see him from the kitchen window above the sink, waiting for his sleigh and reindeer, the pond lights marking the landing strip. Santa’s on a timer, his superpowers evident in the late evening hours. He’s much safer there than out front. Plus, my backyard and wood deck are very well lit at night. Not that I’d give chase to any intruders.


Anonymous said...

lol I wished I'd seen santa chained t a tree!

Sheriff Hackle said...

Do you have any guns in the house?

Anonymous said...

Jim, Another interesting story. Don't give way to any intruder trying to steal your Santa. See, now you do need a dog to chase the intruders away. :) --Bro, Ron

Michelle's Spell said...

I love the idea of using a chained up Santa in a story -- it would make a hell of an opening image!

Shionge said... funny, thanks for sharing JR

Erik Donald France said...

Pisscutter -- now there's a term I've never seen before. A good one.

jeannie said...

I guess you have to chain up Santa when you've got pisscutters runnin' katy-whompus 'round the neighborhood. Poor ole Santa!

Laura said...

It's pretty bad when you can't even put up the Christmas decorations in the front yard for fear that someone is going to run off with them. However, we still decorate the front for the holidays and just hope for the best. So far, no one has touched our decorations except for the one year that some "pisscutter" ripped all our christmas lights off the hedges. The ones they couldn't get off quick enough, they used wire cutters on. That I still to this day don't understand.

Anonymous said...

"Crazy Larry" is a character of local lore her in Alb. When I was a teen, legend had it that Larry had a camcorder peering out from a little window in his garage door, looking for any pisscutters. I'd heard numerous stories about the guy, how his car would come flying out of the garage and after local teens. I thought it was all rumors, blown out of proportion.

Sadly, last year "Larry" (his real name turned to be Brian") was run over by some teens as he chased them down. Most of the rumors turned out to be true.

Anonymous said...

Santa Claus looks like he's in more of a tropical paradise than a winter wonderland standing next to that waterfall. I like the image of the chained Santa more!

Anonymous said...

If Santa is chained, what do you do when his sleigh shows up? MW

Anonymous said...

My daughter would beg to be adopted if only to live near that 'sweet' pond... She's been begging us to put in something like that for years!

Anonymous said...

Man, u paint a graphic picture of Mr. Nelson. If it was Steve.. I bet he will carry that one to his grave..

What is this world coming to? Santa has to hide out in the safety of the backyard?? Hmm.. i guess the option is to stand guard over St. Nick with a shotgun..

Anonymous said...

What piss cutters! Cutting down X-mas lites!!

Anonymous said...

hey! you can hook ol' Santa up somehow to give him some extra charge...see how the pisscutters like getting a jolt of that!

Anonymous said...

Can someone please tell me the origin of "Pisscutters?"

Anonymous said...

Well... that's an outside santa claus anyway. of course he belongs outside!

Anonymous said...

cool picture, love the pond. I believe in the magic of christmas and santa claus well after I should have... it's nice to have that innocence.

Anonymous said...

I once heard of the term "pisscutters" but can't remember where. It must be a northern term.