I could’ve been clever. I could’ve photoshopped a Penthouse magazine over the coloring book and blurred the cups contents into a nice liquidy foam, but then again, you’d know better. I’m a child. In a bed. Wearing one piece pajamas. So here’s the real scoop: I received rejection letters this month from the Apple Valley Review, Cezanne’s Carrot, Flashquake, and Mindprints, A Literary Review. Count’em again. Four. One for each week of November.
I lost five smackaroos entering the Mindprints “Flash Fiction Contest.” The editor, Paul Fahey, said they had over fifty submissions and selected three top winners and eight honorable mentions. With those type of odds, approximately a twenty-percent chance of making the publication, I’ll be back next year. I can’t cry over it. I’ll keep plodding away at my work. I’ll try to stay within the lines. Speaking of lines, I’m thinking of The First Line . Why do I continue to torture myself?
Oh yes. Competitions. You've entered five competitions or were some queries? I'm impressed. You're halfway there. I have a long list of competitions, most with an entry fee. Motivation is tough. That's why I'm impressed by you.
I'm too cheap to enter five competitions. Only one. And cigarettes are way too expensive, so I've chosen a different vice--whiskey and water. Now, if my kidneys would cooperate I'd be all set.
Jim, Nice photo. I believe I'm holding a cold one in the other half of the photo? Remember, we've all been rejected until we found our soul mates!! Keep hanging in there! --Bro, Ron
Hey Jim,
I'm with you -- I got three handwritten rejections (THREE) the day after Thanksgiving, each from big places I would have killed to have been published. I had a little tantrum, but I'm back to normal now. I usually do okay with rejections, but man, the cumulative value can hit you. Once my friend Shawn got four handwritten ones in a day. Good luck with the next round. Keep fighting the good fight!
I'm sorry to hear this but I hope you'll stay positive.
Come on JR,
You know it's never right to stay inside the lines. At least consider this...you at least qualified for rejection letters. Think about those people too chicken to even send stuff.
But you gained so much with the savings on your new computer.MW
He can now use the new computer to make some dazzling stories!!!!
Keep trying, Keep going! Don't give up!
Look in the mirror each morning and tell yourself that you are a writer.
Great to see that you are so positive despite the rejections. Keep up the writing, whatever you do.
Yes, keep fighting the good fight. It's obviously in your fightin' blood. And three cheers to a fellow southpaw. Let the insurgency continue relentlessly and Saigon will be yours before you know it.
I admire your determination. It's inspiring.
I can always count on a chuckle from your photographs. So now we've seen you in your jammies, a paper bag, a cowboy outfiit, and I forget what else.
Sorry to hear about the rejections. Keep at it.
Do you read the New Yorker magazine?
Yes, persistence will pay off!!!!
Cool photo. No worries over the "lost" competition. Use every rejection for the true meaning "next time". Take the entry fee as a business write off and remember this.
Remember the wife of an aspiring author that dug a rejected transcript out of the garbage while they lived in a meager mobile home. She saved it for some time, and eventually it was published.
That was Carrie, and the author was Stephen King.
Hey Jim,
Love the post and photo. I'm an EVIL Left Hander, too! As for rejection, it happens...but it doesn't mean that YOU are rejected; your story just didn't fit at the moment. Keep going! It's mostly about persistence, and you've got one that covered!
Sorry about the rejections. Just keep writing, it'll come your way eventually. Good luck with all your future competitions.
Being a writer takes tenacity. Keep on trying and good luck!
Great picture!
Another fine jammy photo. Great post!
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