I guess the Remy Ma brush is a different story. Before inmates can half-test in my room they have to be shaken-down in another area. No jackets, hats, doo-rags, long sleeves, papers, pencils, no nothing, except yourself, are allowed in the testing area. We do get quite a few folks that think they can cheat their way to an education. On this occasion, an inmate left behind his personalized hairbrush.
"What's it look like?" I asked.
"It's purple. It's got Remy Ma lacquered on it."
"Remy who? What's she look like?"
"Remy's part of Fat Joe's posse. She's a rapper. Real thick lookin' too."
"That's an unusual name, how'd she get it?"
"It's a liquor! Quit messing with me and give me back my brush!"
"You sure it doesn't have Corinne Bailey Rae on it? I like her music."
"I don't listen to that white hillbilly shit! Where's my brush?"
I didn't have the heart to tell him who Corinne Bailey Rae is. I gave him back his brush.

lol Oh dear.
I had to explain to my father in law once that there was no such thing as red chardonay.
haha!thats funny!
and ohh,i dont know Remy Ma neither :)
Real thin lookin', huh? A fun post. The worst cheaters I ever saw were at Duke Law School, where Richard M. Nixon graduated. They used to cut out the security tabs in reference books and sneak them out to deny them to other students doing legal research. Thair t-shirts read "Sue You Later."
Jim, Funny real story. I didn't know who both people were but I could of figured out who was who. --Bro ,Ron
oh goodness!
Doesn't suprise me. Some of them are only influenced by hip hop and won't listen to any thing else. To bad you couldn't bring in her CD just to show the pumkin head what kind of hillbilly you are, and what an idiot he is. Nice story. MW
I didn't know who she was either. From the picture I thought she was a member of 80s pop sensations Shakatak or Five Star, but being the cool one who could have a successful career.
I was wrong: she's from my neck of the woods. Cheers for the heads up - I'll check her out.
Yeah - she's not recent, I expect they haven't had any exposure to her music yet.... Enlighten them...
Should I be ashamed to admit that I know who Remy Ma is? And Fat Joe? But not Corinne Bailey Rae? She doesn't sing any of that hillbilly shit, does she?
My mom loves Corinne Bailey Rae. I don't know who this Remy Ma person is though...
Love the post, Jim! Great pictures.
Corrinne Bailey Rae is one class act. Love her music and lyrics.
thanks for the laugh!
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