Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Yesterday I received a kite—prison term for a letter written on prisoner stationary—from a former classroom tutor stating why he had been late for class, repeatedly. I’m not talking about a few minutes here or there, I’m talking forty-five minutes to an hour. After numerous warnings that his job was in jeopardy, I wrote a "036 Out of Place / AWOL" ticket and terminated his employment. He never did his job anyway. He usually sat with his back to everyone and read magazines. Did he think he was an ostrich?—Stick your head in the sand and hope no one would notice? Once in awhile I’d say, "Mr. Hartford, the students are behind you, how about taking some time out of your busy schedule and helping them?" He’d go into his thousand questions mode. "Who needs help? What’re they working on? Where are the answer keys? Do you have a ballpoint pen I can borrow? I need a calculator to figure their scores, can I get one? Can you show me how to subtract unlike fractions so I can show the students how to do it? Class is ending soon, do you think there’s enough time for me to help them?" It never ended.

In all fairness, I decided to post Mr. Hartford’s kite in its entirety. Perhaps it will shed some light onto his tardiness. Here it is:

Dear Sir,
This is in regards to my absences. I was prescribed to a medication causing drowsiness which resulted in me developing a sleep dependency, and when I signed off on this medication, I began to incur sleep withdrawal, where, on a consistent basis I couldn’t fall asleep until 3 a.m. being the cause of my inability to wake up in time for 7:25 a. m. school. I know that there’s no excuse for my behavior, but these repetitive acts of absences were not motivated on the basis of foul intentions, and if you may, I would appreciate your consideration in pulling the "Out of Place" misconduct.

Here is my answer to his kite (assuming I’d answer such a ridiculous explanation):

Dear Mr. Hartford,
First of all, why would I renege on a ticket I deliberately wrote? If I give you an inch in this here prison system, you will make me look softer than Dairy Queen ice-cream on a sweltering-hot day. Also, once I pull the ticket, you will demand that I give you your job back since there is no longer a record of your past actions. You obviously must think I’m a guppy—a little fish amongst the sharks. Do you want to know what I think of you? Do you? I don’t. I don’t have the time. Good day and good riddance. By the way, your health care needs are still covered. Go back on your medication and sweet dreams.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the inclusion of your enlightening correspondence...
You, of all people, should get a kick out of this--we have a problem with no-shows at my job (in a restaurant kitchen) and the reason is often the same, no matter who the person is. It happens so often that this has become a running joke whenever we have a no-show. So what is this popular excuse for absense? An untimely arrest.

Great post. LOVE the title.

Anonymous said...

People ALWAYS have an excuse.

I hate the Avoiders, those horrid people who barely turn up, do no work while they are there, get you to pick up the slack and wonder why they get fired...

Kroger guy said...

We always need part-time help during the holidays.

Michelle's Spell said...

Love the letters, Jim! And the Dairy Queen comment.

Erik Donald France said...

Another one bites his own dust -- cracked me up again on second reading. There seem to be a lot of these ostrich types. Oh yeah, including the president. . . they're all blowing in the wind these days :->

Anonymous said...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, heroes in a half shell.... TURTLE POWER!!!!

Wichita-Lineman said...

I love the response letter. I bet he spent hours writing out that explanation, or had someone else help him with it. I bet...he...Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Anonymous said...

Great post. I always like to ask them, "is it warm inside that world you live? You don't seem to be getting enough oxygen." It makes them go, "huh". Then I tell them, "if you can huh you can hear." No sence in me repeating. Then I get the blank stares. It makes the job don't it? Especially, when you see the lights come on. MW

Jo said...

We had a nurse-manager here who showed up for work maybe about one day every two weeks. And for that she was paid $75,000 a year. One day she phoned in from her cell phone in her car (she was half way to work) and said she could not come to work because she had misplaced her keys. What...?

Good riddance to all the featherbedders.

heartinsanfrancisco said...

Getting fired must look pretty good to the prisoners, though.

Anonymous said...

um...yeah, ok. that was one hell of a long winded explanation for being a screwup...and how do you sign off on a medication??
good answer (clapclap).

the Laughorist said...

Did Mr. Hartford copyright that note? Man, I want royalties on that one -- or at least permission to use it for my next mental health day.

Laura said...

I loved this post. Your response to his appeal really cracked me up. And the way I'm feeling right now, It's hard to get me to laugh, but you did it. Thanks.

GrizzBabe said...

Sleep dependency? Don't we all suffer from that ailment? That's like saying you have a problem with oxygen dependency.

Anonymous said...

I say goog ridence as well. He isn't noting but a sand bagger. Even if he could do that!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Jim, Where there is a will to do, there is a way around things. --Bro, Ron