I’m sure Tekla Dennison Miller, the first female warden of Michigan, would agree to no preferential treatment too, even if it is a man’s world out there. In July 1971, when she applied for a job as a probation officer in Oakland County, the white male interviewer asked her the following, “Are you on the pill?” and she readily replied, “Have you had a vasectomy?” Needless to say, her interview did not go as planned. The interviewer explained that he was only concerned about her availability for the job and continued, “We also would like to interview your husband,” and she countered, “I didn’t know that (he) applied for this position.” This is how Mrs. Miller’s book, “The Warden Wore Pink” starts out. She tells it like it is. According to her, because of affirmative action, women have made great strides in choosing career paths that at one time seemed impossible. Excellent book by the way; Know a few people in it too.
So, are you thoroughly confused about the ballot language and my stance on it? Let’s just say this: If I vote “yes” on the proposal I get to reinforce the idea that it’s a man’s world out there, (white man to boot) and if I vote “no” I’m saying we need to keep affirmative action as it is. Either way, it’s a two for one deal for me. As long as I keep my wife happy.
Michigan Voter Information
Jim, If anything, thanks for adding the Michigan Voter Information link so I can catch up on the official proposal language in order to vote. Looks like I can print the example ballot and take it with me to assist on voting. Anyways, I'll vote early and then do my chores. --Bro, Ron
this sounds good on paper but would it actually work?
Great post, Jim, and the photo! Thanks for voter info link, too.
Great sarcasm. Unfortunately, many still believe that way.
I had a feeling you were a choir boy. Nice picture. MW
This will be an interesting election ;) I hope the Dems whup 'em all down the line. The initiatives would have to stand the court test even if they passed, one would think. You know -- those "activist judges."
Denying a woman a job because she is a woman is wrong. Hiring a woman because she is a woman is wrong too. Voting Yes on Proposal 2 does NOT reinforce “it’s a man’s world”. It means you believe gender (and race) should not affect the government’s decision either way. Using discrimination to fight discrimination is wrong.
the ballots always confuse me. I think they try to do that on purpose.
saw your comment on C's page. Just finishing up that Love in the Time of Cholera. Good stuff.
saw your comment on C's page. Just finishing up that Love in the Time of Cholera. Good stuff.
sounds like a great book. I'll have to check it out.
It's always fascinating to watch the American elections from this side of the border. Very strange things happen, and they all seem to be very legal. It's puzzling.
And no matter how you vote, the secret to life is keeping your wife happy.
I'll have to check out the book! Love the tone of this one.
I totally agree with Mr. Steve Sutton!!!! Thank-You. Since when is Proposal 2 about going back to a Man's World? Read the print sir! Down with BAMN, thank-you mam! Get a handle on this!
I'm glad I can't vote, yet...
Me thinks my sarcasm didn't work with a few folks, but that's okay, as long as I keep my wife happy.
I'm sure President Bush didn't get any preferrential treatment when he was admitted to Yale.
Great post, but a little dangerous. You start talking politics and prejudice, your bound to start a ruckus.
If you got the GRADES, then more accolades. You deserve it! No more "AA"!
I think people should get jobs based on their merits, not their gende, religion etc...Unfortunately, since not everyone thinks that way affirmative action is a necessary safeguard.
Of course no one asked me :) My husband and I have exactly the opposite political views on just about everything. Every year we go to the booth and cancel each other out.
If you got the grades but you ain't got the money or the resources, too bad.
Ah, ballot initiatives. We have several in MA this year and they all are thoroughly confusing. I'm sure half the people will not even know what they are voting for.
Great post, by the way.
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