Most artists I know think their work is terrible; they are perpetually self-doubting and are extremely anxious. I’ve heard very few artists whom I know well say, "You’ve got to come and see this piece; it’s great." I usually hear, "This piece is horrible; it’s a disaster. Come tell me what to do with it." —Jennifer Bartlett
Robin, from R's Musings , asked me what I’ve learned from 6 months of blogging. Her question has been gnawing at me for days now. I’ve skimmed my various 180 posts, searching for answers, something perhaps witty or inspiring to say; unfortunately, I’ve come up with very little. Oh sure, it’s nice to reminisce after perusing past posts about my childhood and work experiences, and the photos certainly help, but this only deepens my uncertainty.
Why am I doing this? Why write? I’m sure I could find a less agonizing hobby. Then I tried to refocus, to become more positive. OK, I said to myself, there must be something, some tiny morsel of good, that has come from my blogging. Here’s what I came up with, Robin—brace yourself—four posts from June, July, August, and September, four posts that I absolutely believe in. In fact, I deliberately left off direct links because I’m thinking of deleting each one (I'll leave the pictures and titles) in hopes of making improvements and sending them off to various literary journals under the auspiciousness of nonfiction. I’ve never tried my hand at publishing nonfiction, so what the hell, it beats a stick in the eye.
So there’s my answer. Probably not the best explanation, but after 6 months, I believe in 2.2% of what I’ve written. Also, I’d like to congratulate The Thinker on her 100th posting. She celebrated with an amazingly perceptive theory on blogging, and I’ll admit, at sixteen, her answer is much better than mine.
Jim, I think you just need to have the "drive & energy" to keep writing. From everything I've read these past 6 months on your blog as well as others, a blog is a place to put your thoughts in writing so everyone in the world can read. The bloggers comments may inspire you to the next day's topic which keeps you going the following day etc.... The Thinker has a good perspective. Hang in there! --Bro, Ron
I, for one, think that you're a gifted writer with a cool sense of humor. As long as you keep on blogging, we'll keep on reading! (",)
The blog is enjoyable. The content is funny/sarcastic. Shows your wit. The pictures are great. Good shot of the rip cord. Keep on blogging. Oh, did the parachute work? MW
I got worried when you said you were going to delete posts! I think all your stuff that I've read is really good, so why delete? But I guess if the objective is to publish elsewhere, then it's OK. :)
And I agree with what you said about The Thinker. I loved her post about blogging, too.
Only 2.2%? You've got to give yourself more credit than that! You are a great writer. I'd kill to have your sense of humor (and to be able to take pictures as funny as yours).
I'll let you get away with being modest about your abilities, as long as you keep blogging. And thanks, as always, for the mention.
Amen, to the all of your posts. Keep blogging and don't give up! :}
I totally understand what you mean when you say that there are easier hobbies than writing -- to quote the late William Styron, Let's face it, writing is hell. I think that daily writing (at least for me) makes me support my writing in a way that I can only equate with a deep spiritual calling. As for what one gets, I feel certain that you have more than FOUR great posts. But I think that even if that is true, all the writing is leading you to the truly brilliant things you will write in the future. You're a great writer, Jim, no matter what kind of writing you're doing!
JR, thanks for directing us to "The Thinker". She has the key to good writing: honesty.
Your blog is always one of the first I read because it has honesty and a great energy. Your blog has the "oh yah" factor that I like.
I am not a writer. I got into blogging accidentally, and I find it is a journey of self-discovery. But I know I am being "edited" by people close to me and that frustrates me because it removes the honesty.
You're a very good writer. Please don't stop.
Hey Jim,
Glad I asked that question; you came up with a great answer. I think blogging is another way for you to expand your writing. I agree with Michelle, all of it will lead you on into your future writing. Who knows, your non-fiction may publish even better than your fiction. Either way, your posts are very witty and sarcastic and you express the frustrations that we all feel in such a creative way...and the photos are great, too, add depth to each piece. I don't think you have anything to worry about. Your audience is building and your writing is wonderful! Keep blogging and we'll keep reading (& laughing!) You bring joy to a lot of people! Cheers to you, Jim, and your awesome 180 posts!
P.S. Thanks for the link to my blog!
Hey Jim and all, "it's all good." Believe it. Or there's the zen-Buddhist-Nike way of "just do it" and don't worry too much. Keep the faith, fight the good fight and keep those doubting demons at bay. John Lee Hooker is a good example -- he kept forging ahead, improvising his music as he improvised his life and as long as he could do that, he did. And so, I suspect, will you with your writing.
p.s. And thank God none of us are facing a day like those famous author celebrities Ted Haggard or Saddam Hussein. Sometimes it's good *not* to be the king.
I like your blog. To you, only 2.2% is worth it. However I say, even though you don't think much of your writing, the rest of us like it very much. In the end, that's all that matters, that the reader enjoys it. That's what makes you a good writer.
Amen to all. As someone out there that came across your blog and enjoys it, keep blogging.....
I heard Stephen King say that he "writes 1,000 words per day, no matter what." That was one of the reasons I started a blog. I have known for a long time that I enjoy writing out my thoughts but I know I have a long, long way to ever be good at it. When I heard Mr. King make that comment, I was really inspired to try and do that as well. My blog helps me to accomplish that goal. He also reads a book a week. Just another tidbit about an accomplished writer. You have a good thing going...
Thanks for the kind words of encouragement. My intent was never to gain sympathy. There are tons of writers out there with loads of talent. I'm just trying to be realistic. No MFA here (MY FRIENDS ASSOCIATION as I like to call it); no real training as a writer; just the desire to plod ahead and a willingness to be selective in sending my work to various literary journals.
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