Total emersion, page after page, coming full circle, pleading for a puppy, my brother and I, thirteen and twelve respectively, in unison: Dad, can we get one? Pleeease, pleeease, pleeease. His caving in, not knowing it’d be a sixteen year commitment, 1975 – 1991, the last of it with both sons earning degrees, getting jobs, moving on; the last of it with a dog turning tight circles from a debilitating stroke and Dad returning him to the place he’d been born, ending the misery and burying him in the woods.
My brother and I, like most decisions in life, can’t come to an agreement. I pick the puppy that looks like a Beagle; No, I want the fluffy brown one. Our cottage behind us, passing the Wentworth’s house on Shady Lane, the locals whose dog Ginger had pups, the locals that let us play with them all weekend long. Dad in a hurry to get back home, work on Monday. Us falling silent and mom saying, Let them get a puppy.
And so our Dad doubles back. We want two, one for each of us, but mom breaks the tie, agreeing with my pick. Riding home, settling on the name Joe … Joe, the Beagle-Tennessee Walker mix. Yelping and playfully biting us all the way home. Page after page, until the inevitable conclusion, finishing John Grogan’s memoir, “Marley & Me”—it’s that damned good—it makes you recall your very first dog—from the beginning—to the end.
I'll have to read the book. Good story and pic. MW
I like it when pets have names like Joe. Ever read Carolyn Knapp's Pack of Two?
I think I heard the author of that book interviewed on NPR. It was touching to hear about the relationship he had with his dog.
My first cat loved dogs. When she was a kitten, before I owned her, she used to hang out with dogs so she picked up a lot of habits from them. She would come when I called her name.I could put her on a leash and take her for a walk.
I am glad your first puppy had a long life! 16 years is a long time for doogie...
Yes, Josie, I've read "Travels with Charley" a long long time ago, very touching story. And Erik, I'll look up Knapp's "Pack of Two." Whatever you do, don't read "Marley & Me" if you're thinking about getting a dog; it'll cloud your judgement. Still wish I could've kept Lucy.
From the picture, that puppy looks like a good choice. My siblings and I also had a fight over our current dog and my pick won.
It sounds like I really need to read that book.
Jim, I remember Joe well and when we brought him home. I think we were both on cloud 9 when we were able to bring at least one puppy home. Joe was a great dog and live long and well. I miss having a dog! Great photo! --Bro, Ron
I like when pets have normal names. It makes them seem more like family members than oh say naming them scruffy or something
Finished the book eh? I betch'a needed a kleenex at the end... C'mon, I betcha!
Dammit Margie, Yes! Of course I needed a kleenex. You must've read it too.
oh my. I just finished Marley and Me not too long ago, and I cried so hard! It's such a touching book!
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