Walking the wire is life. Everything else is waiting around.
—Karl Wallenda
Yesterday, I became a human rip-chord, my legs propped up on hard plastic stirrups, (and no, I wasn’t horseback riding). Just a simple little joy ride; no pressure at all. Except when the nurse, trained in Chinese water torture, filled my bladder with cold water; Except when the doctor performed his standard (but oh so invasive) cystoscopy.
"Was it the right kidney or left?" he asked while probing around inside me.
"Right," I gritted through my teeth, my lower back unforgiving, wanting to spring forward, if only I’d let go of the metal railings.
"Yes," he agreed, then disappeared.
"The stent’s out," the nurse said.
"I was afraid to ask," I responded.
"You can get dressed now. Remember to schedule your next appointment with the receptionist."
The fluorescent lights came on. The door shut. I got dressed and got the hell out of dodge. The day was still young, why not enjoy it?
Yes, I’m holding my stent—all eighteen inches of it. It’s bought and paid for. Also, I may have jarred loose my left kidney stone. Here it is under my digital microscope. Sorry for being so graphic. Perhaps I should’ve written a limerick instead.

There once was a man with a stent
Which made him walk with a bent;
The nurse dimmed low the light,
Doc pulled with all his might,
So it was done before he could vent.
Well at least this means you getting better :-)
Hey nice gloves they look just like the ones that the porters use when cleaning the toilets
What're you implying--that JR stole those gloves?
Funny post. I know the feelng. You just can't get out of there fast enough. MW
Hey, Jim, sounds like the same stirrups they use for gynecological exams... oh what fun we women have annually... NOT! Nice limerick. lol
Ah, the stirrups...you are one of the few men who now know that feeling of indignity, putting your heels into those stirrups...
I'm sorry to hear about your kidney issues. But I must say, I've spent the most enjoyable half-hour or so reading your blog entries! Thanks!
Oh my God! They filled your bladder with COLD water?!?! Ahh! The discomfort! I can only imagine... and hope to never find out. At least you are getting better.
Oh my -- the pain must have been awful! Love the Wallenda quote -- it's stolen by Bob Fosse in All That Jazz to great effect.
Oh man, no joking from me on this one. I can only imagine. Hope you have a speedy recovery.
My brother-in-law keeps all the kidney stones he had in a jar in his room. Gross. Hope your feeling back to normal real soon.
I've had kidney stones. They rank up there with childbirth =(
That sounds painfully uncomfortable.
As always, great picture, the second one of course.
Well, that certainly was graphic. But at least you didn't have to go through 12 hours of labor first... And you don't have to spend the next couple of years changing its diapers.
I hope you're starting to feel better. You've had a rough time.
I've heard of those pains, and I want to keep it at that. Hopefully you get a little R & R out of this.
Yow. Hey, great lymerick!
Jim, Sounds like you are on the road to recovery. Hey, maybe you should start collecting your beautiful stones. They might be worth something on eBay!!! :) Glad your getting better. --Bro, Ron
Wow. Once I started reading, I couldn't stop! What a great blog. I will definitely return!
Hey Jim, I emailed Google, Blogger's working again. Hope yours works, too.
The blog is finally working again! Cheers.
Ooch! That looks like an amazing stone and pretty too!
thanks for stopping by my blog.
Looks like last nights ziti, ugh!
You think that Superman still lives and runs this place?
hydrocodone bitartate
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