Well guess what? I finished in first place, beating out five tough competitors. I am now an official winner. No more loser status for me. Go to Theory of Thought to check out the other blogs, or to just verify that I'm not bullshitting you. Make sure you scroll all the way down. For some reason first place is at the bottom. I know, I know ... drum roll please.
In case you're more interested in the picture, it's not a blogging trophy, but it's the best I could do on such short notice. I didn't even have time to prepare my acceptance speech.
Hey, JR, congrats on your blogging award! I trust you will keep us all interested and coming back for more!
Your last post, "The Better To See You With," blew me away! What a story! Is it actually true? If so, did you use their real names? Just thought I'd congratulate you on your winning blog.
Hey Jim,
Congratulations! I loved the last post, loved it. Stays in the mind, particularly the detail about the sharpened end of the glasses. Cheers!
I knew it all along. A regular Mark Twain of the prison system.
They know talent when they read it. Just don't let this get to your head. Oh yeah, by the way, congrats on your blogging award.
Can Hollywood be that far away?
MW :O )
Hip-hip-hooray! Hats off, Jim. Cross 1,000 and the sky's the limit. The contest idea is an excellent one, for sure. Congrats!
Congrats, Jim, on the numbers and the award! Your blog is going full force, very interesting posts! Cheers to you! --R
Jim, Congrats on your achievement for your blog! Your trophy (i.e. catfish) and blogs go together! Bro Ron
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