Tuesday, August 22, 2006


I had yesterday off, my thirteen-year wedding anniversary. You couldn’t ask for a better day to plant a cherry tree. Not too hot. Not too cool. I did the digging, fill-in, and watering. Now, nature will take its course. The tree should get about thirty feet high. We planted it on the side of our house where the boat-trailer once was parked. Our neighbor moved it Sunday afternoon. According to my wife, he came out of his house and onto his unfinished addition (no building permit and fourteen months later) where he sat with his back to our property.

Before I tell you what happened, let me give you some background on my wife. She’s experienced in property management in Detroit. She used to go to 36th District Court all the time. She showed apartments to prospective tenants until it wasn’t worth the risk anymore. I remember walking through a Detroit riverfront apartment, when a big guy, 6’ 4" tall and about 250 lbs., noticed her and quickly turned and headed the other way. I asked, "What’s his problem?" She said, "I sent him a Notice to Quit. It won’t be long and his worldly possessions will be thrown into the street." I often had to tell my wife no to the occasional pet that she became concerned about.

Anyway, she approached the chain link fence and said, "You will have to move your boat now." He turned, and before he could say anything, she continued, "We told you last fall we did not want a boat parked on our property. What makes you think a boat-trailer is any different?"

He said, "I thought your husband was okay with it."

"No, he’s not," she said, "You never asked. You need to move it now."

He started stammering and apologizing. She stood her ground until he got out of the chair and moved the trailer. I give her credit. Now let’s hope there’s no bad feelings.


Wichita-Lineman said...


That picture is priceless!!! I love the boat trailer in the back ground. Cherry trees are very nice. Not to messy and pleasant blossoms in the spring. Is it a fruit bearing Cherry or a flowering tree, such as a Kwanzan or a Yoshino? I use to trim trees and am still pretty good at recognizing them. I’ve always loved trees, Ho Hum, Ho Hum. Congrats on your thirteenth wedding anniversary and a quick solution to your neighborly problem. Now where are those Ent wives?

Malinda777 said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Did you choose to plant the cherry tree because at year 13, you cannot tell a lie?

Don't shoot me, just a bit of twisted humor that hit me at first glance.

I hope you have 30 thirteens more to come :)

Jo said...

Well, your wife sounds like a keeper... hah. Good for her. So, the boat trailer is gone?

Love it...!

R's Musings said...

Very good, Jim! I think it was very smart of your wife to confront your neighbor; there may be no backlash because of it. Men vs. men = showdown. But men seek women's approval. Love the photo; the trailer's right where it should be, behind you now! Cheers to you and your wife! --Robin

ZZZZZZZ said...

Wow very good story. Happy Anniversary!

Erik Donald France said...

Hey Jim,

Happy anniversary! Loved the post. Cherry trees are great. The old George Washington story was itself a lie made up by Parson Weems "for the good of children." He also describes Washington's ascent into the clouds of Heaven. If memory serves, even the wooden teeth were made up. The best descriptions of Washington are by Gore Vidal in Burr -- love it! Cheers, cherries and cherry bombs a la Joan Jett -- salute! ~~E'

Anonymous said...

I hope the cherry tree will blossom with peace for you and yours and your whole neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

Well we now know who wears the pants in the family!

Michelle's Spell said...

Glad the problem is solved. The neighbors sound truly vile. Good for your wife -- sounds like she can't be intimidated, a quality I admire as much as any. Good luck with the tree!

Anonymous said...

Nice pick. I'm glad to see it worked out. Although it's hard being green doesn't agree with the way it was handled...You know what it's like working with John Wayne. Fighting crime everywhere.
Even from the inside of a vodka bottle. I am personally enjoying shiraz. off to the pool. MW

thephoenixnyc said...

That's cool thing to do.

I planted an evergreen at my parent's house when I was 10. I am 38 now and the tree is 30 ft high and growing.

Happy Anniverssary!!

ivan said...

I have heard it said that it is better to go to the wife when your dog has bitten the neighbour's kid.
Don't know about you, but I'm absolutely homocidal in these matters.
Women seem to do it so much better and with less psychological fallout.

JR's Thumbprints said...

Withita-lineman -
It's fruit bearing, the kwanzan is in the front of the house, with a "cold crack" down the center. Hoping to find a replacement next spring at Home Depot. My husband wouldn't know, I'm the Master Gardener.
Jim's wife.

Cheri said...

The 21st was my moms birhtday and the 20th was my parents 23rd anniversary. I gave them a card that said, "I'm so glad you're still married and happy," which sent some waves through the divorced family members who read it (ironically, at the birthday party they attended on their anniv.).

Congrats, and your wife sounds like she doesn't take anyones shit. Cool woman, IMO.

Pawlie Kokonuts said...

Well, quite an anniversary. A tree planted and another problem uprooted. Good for your wife. She did the difficult thing: face the issue and the person squarely, head-on. Good for you both.

Anonymous said...

Jim, Watch out! In 13 more years the Cherry Tree will be sprouting cherries on to your neighbor's yard. Then he'll be asking you to cut it down! --Bro Ron

Anonymous said...

How's that Cherry Tree coming?

Anonymous said...

Didn't George Washington grow a Cherry tree??