Saturday, August 26, 2006


This will be the last time I mention my neighbor's boat trailer. I promise. It's where it should be, on their property and not on mine. I wanted to write about victory--the Detroit Lions were definitely out of the question--then I realized, it's the preseason, it's not about winning and losing, it's how you play the game.

Yesterday, my neighbors slipped a musical Hallmark Card into our Detroit Free Press box. A loud distorted transistor sound of "Sweet Home Alabama" assaulted my ears when I opened it. My neighbor's live-in fiancee must have coerced him into signing the card. Notice his signature in the bottom right corner.

I'm willing to bet he put forth more effort launching bottle rockets into my yard last weekend than into his written apology. My wife and I had to pick up thirty-some bottle rocket sticks. I'll have to check our gutters too, as I suspect there are more of them waiting to clog up my downspouts once our future autumn leaves turn and fall.

It's funny how the women tackled the crisis, communicating with words, directly or indirectly. What's done is done. In the past. Now it's up to me to turn over a new leaf and approach my neighbors like a fool on the horizon. Speaking of leaves, the cherry tree seems to like its new location. It will grow quickly, and my wife and I will remember our thirteenth wedding anniversary and the events surrounding it.


Anomaly said...

So we can't expect to hear any brave tales of adventure and derring-do in neighbourly retaliation? Awwww ^_^

Probably for the best though. We've been having a few problems with our neighbours, and as the second most tactful person living here (after Lovergirl) I sort of get nudged into the occasional position of responsibility.



Michelle's Spell said...

Hey Jim,

The fact that the Lynard Skynard are now in a musical greeting card makes me want to weep, but not as much as seeing an Allman Brothers' song being used as background for a menopause commercial. The end times are upon us! You're right about communication -- I'm fascinated at gender differences when it comes to tense situations. Great post!

Bobby said...

I hope they don't shoot any bottle rockets into any dry leaves and burn your house down . . . gees . . .

cowtownchick said...

Hi JR... :o)

I gotta say I can completely relate to the neighbor who doesn't understand boundaries...

I myself am dealing with a neighbor, whom I happen to have to share a double garage, which has no partition... (if I had a choice this would not be it)... My neighbor seems to think my things are his stepping stools to use at will, while he hangs engine blocks on his side of the garage... oi.

My son built me a beautiful cedar deck chair in wood shop... and I go out to find muddy footprints all over it, and we haven't even put the varnish over the stain yet.. argh...

Oh well.. *calms self*... I can relate.. hehe.

Take care,


Wichita-Lineman said...


"Now it's up to me to turn over a new leaf and approach my neighbors like a fool on the horizon."

That is a great line.

Women do have astounding communication skills. Their ability to resolve an issue with a handful of words is intriguing and admirable.

It's nice everything is resolved and your tree is taking well to it's new home. Now if the bottle rockets continue.......



Erik Donald France said...

Hey Jim and all,

the bottle rockets -- so childish and hilarious. Men will be boys at times. Good luck maintining the ceasefire. Diplomacy is better than the alternative here ;)

Anonymous said...

I agree women are indeed gifted.
I will vote for Hillary if she runs. Jr Plant more cherry trees and establish a permanent border. Mace the SOB next time he transgresses the border with his trailer and threaten him with beheading. It seems to work in the middle east. Why not rightchy here. Brain Storming! MW :-X

JR's Thumbprints said...

MW, where were you the time I got gutted and filleted in a staff meeting? I think I'll pass on your advice. You may be trying to incite a riot. --JR

R's Musings said...

Nice to see that your neighbors are being more considerate, Jim!

Anonymous said...

JR you have a short memory. Before the filleting I informed you not to say anything, but what did you go and do? On another note: I believe your neighbor is lulling you into a false sense of security. Not meaning to create a riot but keep your scimatar sharp. (vote Republican) I only hope you see the irony. MW

gray said...

Oh, no! Inconsiderate neighbors. Unfortunately that offers a lot of blog fodder, doesn't it. I don't have any neighbor problems because we have little interaction. Everyone mostly keeps to themselves, which is a little sad, too.

JLCGULL said...

The whole Detroit Lions organization has been slimed into the pit of defeat by the cadaverous presence of WC(Cadaver)F. They will never win with this slime ball at the top.

JR's Thumbprints said...

Hey there JLC Gull, HOLD YOUR FIRE! At least when the Lions are losing by half-time, I manage to get my grass cut, rake the leaves, clean my garage, etc. etc.

William Clay Ford is doing me a favor.

Anonymous said...

Jim, You're neighbor appears to be neighborly now but watch out, he's "digginng" up a plan to screw you! William Clay Ford's son is not doing me a favor at the moment! :( -Bro Ron

Malinda777 said...

Well, the women handled it their way, there's always this option too...