Hard to believe, but I will soon be approaching my fifteenth year as a correctional educator for the State of Michigan. My survival can be attributed to two basic rules: #1 Trust No One (Always question a person's intentions) and #2 Be Prepared For Anything.
Other than that, it's all child's play. The inmates are "Little Chuckies" craving for attention, and when you don't give them their props, they'll sometimes turn on you. But that's the easy part! We also have coworkers that are a bit overzealous when it comes to their job duties (like a bus driver stopping the bus for repairs; when a passenger questions his motives, the bus driver says, "We have a broken seat.") I guess we'd all like to feel important.
In yesterday's picture I was not, let me repeat, WAS NOT, holding a current teaching certificate; instead, I was pointing to my May 2006 "Teacher Appreciation Certificate." How soon some people forget.
Here's a trivia question for you (and I believe the policy still stands): What state employee in a Michigan prison is exempt from drug testing? I'll give you the correct answer later on in the comments section of this post. Until then, "See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya."
I've always been crazy but it's kept me from going insane--W. Jennings
Ah, dang blast it!!!!!!
I put up word verifier to get rid of this anonymous bastard and low and behold he's found a new home.
I would have to guess that the only person not being drug tested is the person responsible for making everyone else get drug tested.
Last drug test I took I was so tired when I arrived that there was a slight accident and they ended up having to put my hand under the mircroscope to get my results.
Low and behold. Gotta love those miracles!
Hey Jim,
I'm with you on the basic rules. My God, is that you and Chuckie at Dick O'Dows' pub? Salud! Random drug testing is bullshit. If someone's acting like Mel Gibson it's one thing, but random testing seems like a waste and a violation.
Cheers, Erik
The warden?
Wow, that must be quite a job. I bet you get some good students though - if I ever got locked up, I'd become such a book worm. And lift lots of weights.
Good guess, but incorrect. The only person that does not have to be drug tested is the personnel manager. It's ok to have a personnel manager addicted to crack cocaine making important decisions in the hiring process, but dang it--those employees better be clean! Disclaimer: My comments are generalities and do not apply to any specific person(s).
The picture is great. I believe you may have weighed forty pounds more than you do now. The ear exposed makes you look elfish, and your eyes are red. Are you communicating with Chucky or the Keebler people? MW
I love the picture and adore the post. I call my sister Chuckie, right after the doll when she acts out! I love the term and the idea that everyone is just a little chuckie. Certainly from time to time. . .
Oops! I should've given JBWriterGirl her props. Please don't turn on me. She answered the question correctly and discreetly by not actually giving the job title. Way to go JB!
Jim, I would also guessed that the person giving the drug tests are scots free! Bro Ron
p.s. that's why kids go to Chuck E Cheese!
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