Everyone called him the Lion King because, as he put it, "I have exotic pets." He showed me his photo album, stopping at one picture in particular. I saw a lion cub, not yet fully grown, not yet at maximum aggression, his front paw in midair, playfully anticipating a slap from his master; his master crouched down on one knee, ball-cap off-kilter and ice sparkling around his neck.
The Lion King commanded respect, and although he stayed pretty much to himself, I observed him occasionally helping a student. Or so I thought.
One day he asked if he could speak to the Deputy Warden of Housing, who happened to be making rounds down the hallway. I told him, "No. Stay in the classroom." He didn’t listen. He went anyway. A half-hour after their discussion, the Deputy Warden returned with two correction officers in tow. The Lion King said, "Please, not here, not here."
The other inmates yelled, "Punk-ass bitch" and "Motherfucker." The Lion King was handcuffed and taken away. It wasn’t until later that I discovered what had happened. He had requested a transfer to another prison. He owed the other inmates. He did not barter in good faith. This was his way out. The Deputy Warden, an ex-felon himself, honored the Lion King’s request; however, he knew to "show him off," prior to his departure.
The Lion King sounds more like his brother, Scar... Nice post and photo, Jim.
Hey Jim, excellent vignette, leaving me wanting to know more yet knowing enough. Cheers, Erik
It will catch up with him eventually. He will encounter someone he stiffed at another facility and dues will have to be paid. You know the story. Lion King will become a human pin cushion if he doesn't pay up.
Nice picture and post. MW
How does a person get to be deputy warden if he too is an ex-felon?
Interesting story, he'll get his unfortunately.
The Michigan Department of Corrections will no longer hire ex-felons; however, they encourage other business to hire them. Makes sense, doesn't it? Furthermore, this deputy warden turned out to be one of the best deps I've known. He's since retired. Didn't you say you hired an ex-felon?
If you play with the lions, you'll eventually end up like Siegfried’s buddy Roy. Knick names are funny things. Sometimes I have trouble recalling the real names of people I've worked with, but their knick name, not a problem.
I've no doubt many of his best clients were politicians, athletes, ect. It's sad really, those who make the laws and who many admire (especially athletes in the eyes of children) are so willing to put their reputation on the line.
Sounds like the guy two doors down from me who had a cheetah or something in his backyard, and sold drugs and god only know what else. While in prison, one of the many until his disappearance of current and reposession of his house, a gaggle of crystal meth addicts lived in the house and burned it nearly to the ground the second year we lived here. I remember their kitchen exploding out into the street as I stood in my driveway saying goodbye to my aunt, and all of the highons running around in frantic circles through the neighborhood, wearing only their underpants.
It never ceases to amaze me that are absolutely no secrets in a prison. Between staff and inmates, your private health status, your controlling case, and your history is known to anybody who wants to know. One man told me he got clocked because a CO was seen going into his cell - he says to take his papers - and inmates assumed he was a "rat." I wote about in NEWZ about anybody coming in to a prison gets in the mix. The deputy warden saved his face, but I'll bet not his ass!
Jim, Nice pic. Just saw a Lion King play last night here in Spain. Bro Ron
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