I’ve had new students enter my classroom silently honoring Ground Hog’s Day for three to six months on end—plunking their asses in the back of the room, studying my every move, problem solving their way out of physically attending class. They’re searching for weaknesses, the teacher’s soft spots, the necessary angles, and if they can’t get a good enough read on me, they’ll approach my desk and ask, "Are you going to give me something, or what?"
That’s when I reply, "Sir, you’ve just taken your first step to an education. Congratulations."
In September 1968 (above photo), I did just that—took my "first step." Little did I know that the teachers could stop the wheels on the bus from going ‘round and ‘round. The Detroit Public School teachers may be doing just that. Faced with a tough choice, they’ve decided to strike. What were they offered anyway? Let’s see: Do you want to get hit in the head with a two-by-four (a.k.a. 5% pay cut & reduced benefits), or do you want to get hit in the head with a two-by-four with a nail in it (a.k.a. 5% pay cut, reduced benefits, fines, & possible job loss)? They chose the latter.
And why not? So what if it’s illegal for public school teachers to strike in Michigan. They have a right to a fair contract just like everyone else. Back in 1992, when I worked for DPS, instead of picketing, I chose to work in a prison. Not that I’m against carrying a sign. My union brothers and sisters, the Michigan correction officers, held an informational picket a few years back. They gave me a sign that read, "These are the people your mother warned you about." I traded it for one that reminded the public of our dear legislature’s 34% pay increases.
I agree. Good post. I believe thay took one on the chin last year when they received no pay increase and the School Principals received their raise.
A sign of the times. No credibility. MW
Amazing Detroit has no more money to give public schools and teachers. Wasn't part of the Casino deals in Detroit that they'd give a percentage to public schools? What are there, three big casinos down there now? I went to the Greektown one once, watched guys throwing craps for $100 dollars a hand. Watched people play black jack for $50 dollars a hand. The place was packed. I imagine it's the same at all of them. Maybe that extra money went to pay for the Superbowl. It certainly isn't going to education, or the roads.
Put those slackers in jail 'til they start crying out for diversity in the all black Detroit shcools. Losers.
Hi Jim
Like your post today. The picture is neat too. I sent you the email with my story... well... actually two emails cuz I kinda forgot to attach the story in the first email. Thanks for offering to help!
I heard a little bit about the strike. The thing that struck me was when they said that in order to be able to meet its budget, the city would have to cut that much from the school system.
Now, that's just BS. There are always choices. Obviously, the money could have come from some other program, instead. The other programs just won politically, and the schools just lost this fight. I'm glad the teachers are going to strike, because that just might give them enough political clout to keep their money, and let some other group get shafted. Or maybe everyone can share the pain.
JR, I put pictures on my blog as you requested. :-)
Hey 2nd Anonymous,
Obviously you had a bad school experience when you were a child. Did they make you wear the dunce cap?
Great first step to "mankind"!
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