I remember a time when I took a bunch of delinquent youths to East Warren Lanes near Detroit’s Finney High School for a staff-versus-kids bowling tournament. On the way there, a kid named Timmy started cussing at staff and tried picking a fight with one of his peers. The other state employees, known as youth specialists, informed me that I could cancel the field trip and we could head back to the facility, or one of them could sit in the van with the troublemaker while the rest of us bowled. I chose the latter.
The whole purpose behind our field trip was to foster teamwork and to have the kids keep their own scores. Even though it was simple math, some of them had difficulty with the scoring procedures. Into our second game, I noticed an additional staff member bowling. I asked him about the youth in the van and he told me not to worry.
I won’t bore you with what ensued. Let’s just say the director of our facility had a thorough investigation regarding some fairly serious allegations. She asked the same question to each staff member and “child” involved: “Is it true that Timmy was handcuffed to the van while everyone went inside to bowl?”
The director received the same answer from everyone involved, staff and kids, “No.”
Later on, darling little Timmy confronted me. He said, “Teachers shouldn’t lie.”
I looked him straight in the eye and said, “Timmy, I just did you a big favor. I just saved you from getting your ass kicked. What do you think would’ve happened if these allegations you made were actually true? Did you ever think about that? Huh?—No more field trips. Then what?”
He just smiled.
Why is it so easy for some people to lie? I couldn't get away with a lie to save my life. Guilt just radiates from my face.
And what's the purpose? Won't someone else take your place if you do leave? It makes no sense. Hang in there.
I kind of like my drunk patients. Their lies are histerical sometimes. They start out saying they had only 1 beer and every time someone asks them the number changes.
Wow, Jim, you've got to be three steps ahead of 'em at all times, don't ya? Sounds almost like raising middleschoolers...! lol Great story...tough stuff!
Great post today Jim. Love the picture as well... I like bowling although i've never gotten higher than 130 and that was my best game!! hehe usually i'm between 100 and 120.
Some people just can't stop lying. Eventually it has to catch up to them... how do they keep all the lies straight? anyhow hang in there!
It's interesting to think about what goes on behind closed doors so to speak.
Hey Jim, I don't envy you your work with the little hooligans, but they sure do make for good material :-> ~~Erik
I don't think I could handle the constant pressure, although parts of it must be a little exciting. Love the way the story always changes depending on who is telling it. Love the picture!
Hey JR the primary is here today and if you vote the way I think your going to vote you may not have to worry about the little hooligans if your candidate gets elected. We won't have jobs!!! Just a thought. But wait a minute,
you did say you wanted to be MR. Mom. Good story Like the picture.
LOL :-0 MW
Since when do PRISONERS have the right to "grieve" against ANYBODY...
What in the world has happened to our country that we hire whole committees and spend even more taxpayer dollars to worry about what people in JAIL think about their poor feelings.
Hang in there buddy. Too bad we can't be on "the committee"...
Hey Malinda,
Most prisons in the United States belong to the ACA (American Corrections Association) and must comply with certain federal standards. We have tons of policy directives and operational procedures that must be followed. But a young inmate being forced to go to class does not rank as abuse, nor does giving him a choice: do the work or get the "H" out of my class (Basically, having him "Man Up" and take responsibility for his actions). Can't really say much more about the situation though.
Jim, I would kick the asshole out of my classroom as well and let him rot in his jail cell (i.e. like he wants!). You know that your bosses boss is trying to get complete sentences on his questions. Good to say "No" as if you try to explain in more details it leads to more questions. As I've found out here at work for 20 yrs. Give "them" the minimum and the questions start flying. Bro Ron
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