It wasn’t always that way—Mr. Grimmett arriving and leaving the prison via bus, cab, or my 1992 Ford Tempo. After six months on the job he had bought a brand new Oldsmobile Achieva and his punctuality soon improved. He took me to lunch one day to the Nevada Coney Island on the corner of Ryan and Nevada Roads; ironically, the restaurant was within walking distance of our facility (if you chose to travel by foot and risk your safety). I’d heard that Mr. Grimmett walked there often, prior to purchasing his new set of wheels.
I complemented him on his wise choice in vehicles and he expressed a sense of relief for not having to rely on cabs or Detroit’s never-on-time bus system.
“Whatever you want, JR. My treat,” he said.
I didn’t mind him paying for my lunch, after all, I did offer him rides now and then, however, the menu had nothing but greasy, unhealthy, artery-clogging food. Yet, I felt compelled to celebrate with him.
I’m not sure how much time elapsed, but one day I saw him getting into a yellow checkered cab outside our facility. I thought nothing of it until it became part of his normal routine once again.
“Grimmett,” I said, “where’s your car?”
He told me that he no longer drove it to work for fear of it being repossessed. At first I thought he was joking until he informed me of his elaborate plan of moving it around from house to house. “The repo man will never find it,” he said.
It seemed all too complicated to me. I offered a simple solution, “Why don’t you continue making your car payments?”
He railed against the ineptness of the car dealership, how they never fixed a reoccurring problem, and how he threatened and made good on forgoing future payments. I didn’t pry any further, although I suspect he’d spent most of his money on having a good time with several of his lady friends.
Detroit has a bus system?
Hah. You mean, GRATIOT has a bus system. Which I have not and never will use. In cities like Chicago and NYC it's almost a requirement to utilize it.
Hah this makes me think of all the crazy people that I've met in my years. =D
"Pappa was a rollin stone. Where ever he layed his hat was his home, and when he died, all he left us was alone." Oh, those Temptation's!!! Just as relevant today as it was when it was first written. Thanks for sharing. Enjoyed the story. MW:)
is he wearing a helmet? or a hat? you know some people's perspective amuses me sometimes...i heard a guy arguing as to him wanting to get gap insurance but why did he have to pay for it if the bank was going to get the money? people like him drive me nuts...
Might as well be Detroit's B.S. Who else uses it? But I stand to be corrected - MDOT. And yes, Cheri, Chicago's nearly impossible to navigate by auto. As for those Temptations, MW, you couldn't have picked a more appropriate song.
I've been known to move my car from time to time to keep it from being yanked out of the yard in the wee hours...
But gosh, It was never cuz I was enjoyin' something else!
Poor guy. Well, it's all where your values are, I imagine. His values were housed on shaky ground.
What's the point of having a car if you can't use it because your too busy hiding it from the repo guy. Sounds to me like it's the same as not having a vehicle in the first place.
I think some "down-on-their-luck" folks really create their own bad luck.
the shit people try to get away with is unreal to me.
I bet he watches jerry springer re runs. ( that shows no longer on right???) god I hope not.
That's disappointing. But I know the feeling. Why is it that no matter how GOOD the ex-con, they never seem to get rid of the simple DRAMA that forever makes them the VICTIM.
It made me sad to fire the one that worked for me for three years. His drama just became too much.
But, I still like the guy, and would have lunch with him any day :) I kid you NOT...he had vehicles parked all over town. It wasn't enough to lose one...he continued to acquire three or four he couldn't pay for...
whahahaha......funny and ironic...:)
Spending money on his lady friends? I LOVE that expression!
Hum, spending money on his lady friends rather than his car? Sounds like he had his priorities straight.
I like Mr. Grimmett's style. I'm sure his lady friends have been more appeciative than the "authorities."
Jim, What a prize jem you have there. A white "Ford" Tempo and another black Tempo behind. Now why would you give praise to the GM product????? Interesting way to have a brand new car without paying for it. Just keep hiding it around town!! :) --Bro, Ron
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