I am now the recipient of The Island Grove Press Big Foot Award for not being so abominable. Although I’d like to set the bar a smidgen higher, I officially accept this Canadian award bestowed upon me. Unlike other awards that grow exponentially and perhaps download malicious spyware and/or adware onto unsuspecting computers, this award, The Big Foot Award, is firmly planted at one’s doorstep. It can only be granted by none other than Ivan Prokopchuk, author of Ontario’s number one best selling novel “Light Over Newmarket” and soul creator/editor of The Island Grove Press.
This prestigious award does not involve any money and there are no strings attached. You will not find a burning bag of shit on your front porch—no sirree—this is an authentic writing award. Therefore, I would like to say that any recognition for my efforts is better than no recognition at all. It’s no different then if Joey Harrington, the former quarterback of the Detroit Lions and Miami Dolphins were to be awarded MVP of the CFL. I’m sure he’d graciously accept his trophy, all the while keeping his eye on returning to the NFL.
I would like to personally thank Ivan Prokopchuk for making me the first recipient of this soon-to-be-coveted award. I. P. freely (Bart Simpson eat your heart out) offers sound advice on the harsh realities of becoming a full-fledged writer. Here’s what he had to say about my recent series of chauffeur stories:
I can't get over the intelligence of you guys. Like JR half-anticipating what I was composing this morning, addled as I am with the sunriser.
I was going to write about the weirdest assignment I ever got from the TORONTO SUN, a review of a transvestite comedy club called SHE-RADE. This was some years back, long before the political correctness of today. A portion of my story:
High-heeled MC to a front-row patron:
"And what do you do for a living, sir?"
"I drive a limo.
"You drive a homo?"
"No, no. I drive a limo."
"No way. You drive a homo. I can tell. Something's eating away at you."
And so it went.
Moral of story: Never sit in the front row of a gay comedy club.
...Better still, don't go at all if you were once a straight limo driver like JR.
Ah well. Ladies certainly enjoy reading your limo stories, JR.
Ivan (4/07/2007 7:35 AM)
His encouraging words have led me to my next short story project titled: “The Narrative Compendium of an American Chauffeur,” where the first person narrator shares his smorgasbord of experiences as a limousine driver. So let me use this award as a stepping stone to get back to my former self, to get back into one of those small literary journals that have so often rejected my work. Hey, Joey Harrington is still a quarterback, and I am still a writer, and a horse is a horse of course, unless, that is: his head is severed and used for a scene in “The Godfather.”
well congratulations! what an accomplishment! I hope your wife took out the silver to celebrate! Oh and I *did* do a search on the guy no worries- he knows it too, I told him the only way I went out with him is that his check came back clean- he laughed it off but I wonder if it bothered him...I don't care, after all it's my safety and my daughter's at stake here. (not that he'll meet her anytime soon but you know).
Hey Jim,
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I agree with Jane -- you should go out and celebrate. It's a hard calling, writing, and you should buy a big bottle of champagne to celebrate.
Nice accomplishment. As far as your brake lights are concerned...
They are as fickle as the so called tinkerer mechanic who fixed them the last time he was pulled over and was told to fix them. Duct tape doen't work on eveything. MW :)
Jim, Congrats on the "Big Foot" Award!!!!!! Keep going and keep bringing those crazy stories before us - your audience in the world. --Bro, Ron
Keep flying high!!!!!!!!
And Happy Easter to you as well... no matter how effin pissed off I am. =D
More awards, huh? Congrats!
Hey Jim,
nice Easter Surprise. You deserve the goods. Cheers, man and Happy Easter!
Yay, JR!! You won the coveted Big Foot Award! All the way from Canada!! Well, congratulations. Hope you are having a great Easter day with your family.
JR, the coveted Island Grove Press Big Foot Award is indeed an honor, and there is not any spyware attached to it. By the way, you are now also an honorary Canadian.
Congrats, JR!!!
Love your stories...keep it up!
It was Josie who had twisted my arm to give you the Big Foot Award.
I had some reservations, but after reading your blog today, I'm pretty well certain that you deserve this great prize that almost broke our logo programs on our computers...All right,all right, there was a lot of me in your copy--you knew how to do it.
Silver-tongued devil!
We are at present working on an award button for the coveted Big Foot Award. Should we ever get finished with the design--wear it in good health!
Ivan Prokopchuk M.A.
Islandgrove Press
Ontario, Canada.
Hey, JR! Congrats on pulling off the coveted Big Foot Award. You deserve it -- for being a good sport and a great writer. Yea! ~Liz
PS: (Care to share the sweet and low down goods you have on Ivan?? Hah!)
I.P. freely... snicker, snicker
Take a bow. :)
Hi kate s.
IP Standing!
--Bowing now to polite applause.
We were in college, and we were both drunk :)
(Not really...I once tried Northwestern, the Michigan Ivy League college. Dean Albert Sutton said come on down.
Then a new dean came in and said, in effect, why you jerkoff. Your father a contractor?...I guess my background check didn't go very well. Guess Dad should have been a mason.
Ah well, back to the Tree, good old U. of T. symbol.
And then I saw the professor's ring!
And me a Catlick.
Congratulations JR!
Congratulations JR!!! I think you deserve it!!! I always enjoy your writing - if I get the time to come past here...
Hope you had a good easter and please don't stop your writing!!!
Congrats to the young man!!!
JR. He's just driven to write.
Sorry for the pun. Congrats.
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