I remember a coworker, a correctional educator, calling one of the housing units and asking the unit officer why Prisoner Mead wasn’t in school.
“Gee, I don’t know,” the officer replied. “I set his clothes out and packed his lunch. I wonder where he went.”
I’m fairly certain the telephone receiver was slammed back onto its cradle. There’s nothing wrong with being concerned as to an inmate’s whereabouts. Nine times out of ten, they’re on that massive playground called the prison yard, and the odds of them planning the great escape are slim to none. The real problem, at least psychologically, is that they’re a walking liability. If they stab someone, the following question often arises: “Why was he out on the yard when he should’ve been in your classroom?”
On the other hand, I recall years ago strolling across the prison yard at Ryan Correctional Facility in Detroit. The sergeant accompanying me said, “Take a look around you.” He pointed toward the perimeter, the concertina wire. “They’re not going anywhere. Trust me.” A year later, someone tossed bolt cutters and guns over the fence resulting in ten inmates escaping. Soon afterward, the librarian was put under investigation (the escaped prisoners should’ve been in his area), a second security fence including gun towers were erected, and our former fat governor was doing a photo op showing his concern for the community. I remember tip-toeing around the compound, wondering whether all the guns were accounted for. In our debriefing, we were informed that no one knew how many weapons were thrown over the fence.
Thirteen years later, I’m hearing about a less successful escape attempt at Kinross, a facility in Michigan’s upper peninsula. Some inmates were within a few feet of their freedom. Imagine that. Kudos to the staff person who discovered the tunnel. I wonder which state employee(s) will be held accountable for the big dig?
Oh, be assured Jim, they will find someone to take the blame. Heaven forbid adm. take it.
This is your third picture with a poop scooper. Are you sending out a message? I thought the whole purpose of any administration was to take credit when things go well and punish when things don't go so well. You are only as good as your next scoop. Nice post. Since you look like you are in your backyard how's the dog? A picture says a thousand words. :)MW
Prison escapes, a scary thought indeed.
where do prisoners go when they escape? if they go to family's house that's the first place they'll check no?
Drat, I can't open the picture.
Do you ever feel nervous in your job? You must work with some really tough characters. I think I would get the heeby jeebies after hearing some of your stories.
I bet there aren't many successful prison escapes. They can't get far nowadays, can they?
o my word...how did they just trow it over the fence...scary.
Confounded librarians again -- always causing trouble.
"concertina wire" has such a nice ring :->
I wonder where that "former fat governor" is today.
I must have missed that story about Kinross in the news. Then again, Yooper news is normally so yawn-worthy I don't watch it.
Tossed guns and bolt cutters over the fence? Damn. Simple but effective. Scary too.
Good question...where do prisoners go when they escape! And how in the heck do they stay there?
Jim, Wow, they actually throw guns and fence cutters over the fence? Not very high tech but probably very affective!!! --Bro, Ron
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