I stand to be corrected yet again. Detroit has buses, maybe not a bus system, but buses that pick up and drop off people at limited bus stops. Imagine that.
I remember reporting to the East Warren bus depot at the beginning of my workshift. Not that I was a bus driver or a mechanic. Nope. I was, and still am, a teacher.
A Catholic priest had fired me, or as others had witnessed—I was let go. While at St. Matthew’s School on the East Side of Detroit, with my income below the poverty level, I had a job lined up teaching for the Michigan Department of Corrections. Then came a hiring freeze, so my honesty came back to bite me. My current employer, via the priest, "wished me well."
There was no sense in trying to correct the situation. “Thank you for giving me the opportunity to teach here," I said and walked away, my pride wounded and no idea where my next teaching job would be. Also, during this time the Detroit Catholic Schools were complaining about not getting their fair share of Federal dollars for Title I students. For some odd reason, Detroit Public Schools acquired all the Title I money and were told to service the Catholic schools in the district. And so the wheels on the bus went round and round. DPS spent their Title I money on 24-foot long motor homes equipped with student desks, computers, and chalkboards. All they needed were teacher/drivers. Guess who they hired?
I parked my classroom on wheels in the St. Matthew’s School parking lot and headed for the school office. I ended up teaching some of the very same troubled youths I had before, and my rate of pay increased almost twofold! The look of surprise by the administration made it worthwhile, even if it didn't last past the summer.
If there's a way to improve Detroit's bus system with Federal money, I could get the appropriate CDL driver's license and start a whole new career. What do you think?
Enjoyed the read. Nice story. MW
I think you could get a CDL B with a P endorsement and drive tour buses on the weekend. But you have to pass the federally mandated test and take a road test providing your own vehicle, and then get medical clearance to get the ducat. And then pay somewhere in the neighborhood of 75 bucks every time you renew your license.
But I think it's funny as all get out that you wound up at the same place teaching some of the same kids at twice the pay. Now that is a real payback for being let go. lol.
i can't believe you weren't 'good enough' for the catholic church!! you know i'm kidding...i say get the license- think of all the writing material!
I've heard of driving people crazy but driving them smart is a new one on me.
Revenge is a dish best served cold. You ended up with double the pay, and that was a type of revenge.
I love the clikshrink avatar and his/her commment.
You are a fellow of many talents, JR.
Were you known as the "Holy Roller"??? (I know, it's bad)
Great story -- the looks on their faces, to see you on the bus, must have been sweet! :)
Mmm JR I don't think you can drive and teach. Except if you have a microphone at your mouth, but no I don't think that can work. Keep to what you are doing - you may try to write a book yes, but not bus driving please!!!
whahahahahaha...YES do et;)
Cheers, Jim. Just think: you could double up -- why not drive the library Bookmobile for even more extra money? Books-on-Wheels. Blogs-on-Wheels. Wireless hookups. Texas tea.
That was sweet! Back teaching where you were, salary doubled! He who laughs last...
just do it!!!
I don't like buses.... those bus drivers don't know how to drive. they are always cutting people off and driving like idiots. I swear they got their liscense from a cracker jack box.
Sheila as was shown a year or two ago city of Detroit bus drivers had quite a few suspended licenses among them and quite afew more without the proper CDL. Yeah driving near a bus is definately time to do some defensive driving.
But on the other hand I have a bus size motor home (31') and people are always cutting me off and trying to pass on the right because they can't wait a quarter mile for the exit to come up...so it works both ways...except I have not only mirrors but a camera on the back of mine so I can see exactly what is approaching to start encroaching.
I happened to stummble upon your blog due to mention of St. Matthew's. I couldn't help but laugh at it's reference: "A Catholic priest had fired me, or as others had witnessed—I was let go." So, when was this, about 1987-ish? :) My brother and sister and i went to school there 'til then, and our parents took us out (followed by over half the school) due to a certain priest. I recall many people being "let go". If you were around then, maybe you would remember my parents (since my mother ran the summer program all the way until the certain priest decided not to have one anymore), the last name's De Ryckere.
I believe I was at St. Matthews in 1990 or 1991. The school principal at the time was Mr. Miller. As for the priest, I grew tired of listening to him talking about his sailboat.
Jim, Let's go! I'll rent the RV and we can tool around town preaching the gospel!!! --Bro, Ron
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