Approximately two months ago Prisoner Vander, a first hour GED student, requested a “Release of Educational Records” form. “My Bunkie’s been helping me with my reading assignments,” he claimed, before explaining that the school office warned his cellmate of the inevitable: produce a high school diploma or go to school.
Unsure of what to do, besides claiming his high school graduate status and helping my student with his fractions, I’m afraid this prisoner chose a stalling tactic. (It’s our policy to use universal precautions and assume everyone’s a liar.)
“My bunkie filled out that form and sent it off,” Prisoner Vander said, “but he hasn’t been notified regarding the verification of his diploma.”
I asked him whether his bunkie was subsequently enrolled in school and he said, “No.” I figured that the diploma must’ve been verified and a copy of his transcripts shoved into a school office file.
“If the principal hasn’t contacted him,” I said, “then everything is copacetic.”
“Could you check?” the student asked. By now I was getting a little perturbed.
The next day I told him, “Your bunkie must have an overdue library book because his Ecorse High School transcript indicates that he did not have the necessary credits to graduate.”
Perhaps both inmates are delusional. I’m wondering just how much help my student is getting from this guy. Probably not much. I guess it’s time to rat him out.
awww! look it's templeton!!! haha what a cute picture!
Oh, I don't know JR, I think most sociopaths are delusional. What do ya think?
I'm with you donnetta!!
Love the photo...where'd you get the rat???
Lab rat.
I'm going to steal him for my site :)
Love the picture!
So do all of the prisoners have to go to school if they have not graduated HS?
They may not realize it...but what a deal!
Just last week-end, I had an ex-convict neighbor ask me to join him in a trip to Home Depot. He wanted to apply for a credit card...but can't read or write! He can only sign his name!
I guess these guys watch each other's back, hey?
So, I never thought I would ever say this, but that is a cute rat! I love his whiskers.
Rats are master manipulators.
Well, he'd better return his overdue library books, then ;)
Jim, Ah, nice rater!! I believe that they're telling all lies.... --Bro, Ron
Must be the eye drops but Bailey is shrinking. MW
Hey JR,
You been up all night?
Been writing into Josies blog up to two a.m. and you woke me up at seven this morning.
I think it's time we both got into the fridge for a heavy-duty tranquillizer.
The grape, surely, is better than the sleeping pill.
Huh, so this prisoner is a bad influence on another prisoner. I find that difficult to believe! :)
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