Depending on what you win, you could end up one big fat loser. You could receive a congratulatory letter, an invite of sorts: “Pick up your free Sony flat-screen television at the Marriott.” So you’re seated in a large conference area, waiting to hear a spiel—there’s always a spiel, nothing’s ever truly free, you don’t mind, let me hear the spiel—and a spokesperson announces “this is a police round-up, put your hands on top of your head.” You get that sinking feeling, you realize you should’ve paid all those parking tickets, that not paying all those parking tickets has landed you, like a fly on shit, in the middle of a room full of dangerous criminals. They, in turn, think the same thing … they’re the fly, you’re the shit.
During my chauffeuring days, my boss donated his limousine service for a fundraiser. His two spoiled children attended Cranbrook Schools and for reasons not related to cash flow (the school district is one of the wealthiest in Michigan), they sold ten-dollar raffle tickets offering a plethora of prizes.
My clients, a husband and wife duo, won the limousine package, thus winning my services. After traveling two blocks, the back tires started rubbing against the wheel wells and the Wifey asks, “What’s that noise?”
“What noise?” I say, turning quickly onto Woodward, trying to ignore the warning signs, heading for the Whitney restaurant in Detroit, the smell of burnt rubber and small plumes of smoke beating us around the corner. I know what to do. I reach under the dash, push a little orange button, the steady hum of air pumped into shocks, separating wheels from wells.
No more problems. The old Lincoln stretch crawling along like an old thirsty dog; The Detroit Zoo water tower approaching the horizon; Coleman A. Young in bold print, a symbolic warning to behave in the city or hit the other side of Eight Mile. We hear a gunshot. But we’re far from the dividing line. My clients want to know why I’m scrambling to the shoulder of the road. What was I to say, “Because you and your wife are extremely obese and you blew the shocks on the car.” Instead, I apologize, offering my standard, “I-don’t-know I-haven’t-a-clue” explanation.
“We have dinner reservations,” the Wifey says. “Can you get us another car?”
What they need, I’m thinking, is a heavy duty crane to haul their asses to Weight Watchers. I play it safe, “It’s a one car operation.”
I’m mad. They’re mad. I call a tow truck. They call a cab. The evening’s a total bust. For them. For me. There are no winners here.
Jim, Sounds like the limousine service was a washed up scam. At least you were driving a Lincoln. Maybe their fat asses lowered the boom (i.e. tire meets metal). You mean you didn't go with the couple in the taxi??? --Bro, Ron
Freaking great post, Jim. Perfect!
JR, JR. This sounds like something that would happen to me. Well, here in Oklahoma we've got quite a few heffers. No, I don't mean that I do not have sympathy for over-weight people. But, there are some folks who just EAT and fail to take care of themselves. Now, having said that, I better go get my vitamins out and take my supplements and exercise a bit. Yeah, right.
wow no crane nearby? lol- and listen it was not about being 47- my daughter's dad is actually 48 as we speak! it's just he is....balding and older looking. You don't look a day older than 35. So I hope you're not 34.
Hey. Funny post. I forgot to tell you the ending. The prisoner being covered in mud being led away in bracelets yells out to his friends on the walk "all this for some orange juice." Later in the day C/O is approached by another inmate stating " he was inmates homie, and was that necessary just for some orange juice"! C/O quickly informs the inmate that they found 2 knives on his homie and are they to assume that one of them was his?
Inmate stated, "he don't know him." Then gets out of Dodge.
Classic. MW
MW is referring to something that happened and I mentioned in the intro to my March 30th post.
Perfect ending to a night of "it is what it is".....
And, hey! you get what you pay for....
Love it!
Hmm... so THAT's why my car wheels have been making those funny sounds... :)
Interesting new stories, JR.
Man, what a story! I was once in a car where that happened -- three very obese people, me, and one girl who could not have weighed more than ninety pounds. It was strange!
Well actually, I guess the restruant that they took the cab to ended up winners. Probably made a lot of money.
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