On the way home from work yesterday, the county boys pulled me over. I'm not too sure how long they'd been following me, but once I saw the flashing lights, I knew to stop. I kept my hands at the 10 and 2 position until the cop approached my driver's side window. I didn't want a repeat of last summer where a policewoman approached my vehicle, her hand on her holster, yelling, "Sir, keep your door shut, keep it shut!"
Seems I've been experiencing electrical problems with my eggbeater of a van. Again, I explained to the county boy tapping on the glass, "My power windows don't work. Is it okay if I open the door?"
He nodded yes. "License, driver's registration, and proof of insurance."
I gave him everything but the proof of insurance. He went back to his patrol car to do a background check while I rifled through my glove box. Still, I couldn't find what I was looking for. A few minutes later I saw him getting out of his vehicle and approaching, so I put my hands back at the 10 and 2 position. He opened the door.
"Your brake light's out on the driver's side," he said.
I acted surprised. Last summer the policewoman handed me a ticket. This time was different.
"Are you related to Dennis?" he asked.
If I'm not mistaken, Dennis is either a judge or a politician. I lied, "Yes. Yes I am."
He handed my license and registration back, the proof of insurance he'd forgotten about. "Get your tail light fixed."
"Thank you officer. Will do."
It will all come home to roost one day JR. Enjoy it while you can. Keep rolling those dice...
MW. :)
Haha, I love it!
JR, Did you ever see a movie called "And Justice For All" with Al Pacino? A young fellow was arrested, and long story short, ended up dying in a prison shoot-out all because one of his brake lights failed.
Good thinking, keeping your hands at 10:00 and 2:00.
I'll bet you are related to Dennis :-)
Takes a while, doesn't it, to find out where you live and among whom you move.
Reminds me of a couple of summers ago. I was driving with hubby down to Florida. I had never ever had a ticket in my life. Young police officer stops me in Alabama. Says in his southern drawl, "You are in the state of Alabama, ma'am. The speed limit is 65 (I think it was 65). You were doing 83." Bless his heart, he could have been my son. I tried to argue and told him I never, ever had a ticket and wasn't doing 83. Didn't work. Ticket was over $200. I should have told him he was grounded.
good one. lucky boy.
Ha! Looks like you swept the dust off that old playbook.
10 and 2! I never knew that! We were always taught to fumble for your lipstick!
Jim, You got off lucky now go fix that Brake light!!!!! :) --Bro, Ron
Jim, I just realized in the photo, what's that emblem on the steering wheel???? At least it's American!! --Bro, Ron
Good thing Dennis wasn't the guy having an affair with the sheriff's wife ...
Score one for the little guy!
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