Now I'm mad. I'm ready to pull my hair out. Why not Gate 2? Visitors are entering the neutral zone. They have to go through a metal detector and be patted down. The officer makes them take off their shoes. We're talking a good three minutes. Tack on another two for the elderly. Tack on another five if a baby's involved.
"Hello darling," Ricco says from the prison yard phone, "bring Junior with you, and remember to hide the drugs in his diaper."
I shouldn't be this way. Even though I'm not paid by the hour. I'm salaried. The time clock, I've been told, is for my safety. But administration isn't fooling anyone. They monitor our time with computer generated printouts. Time in, time out. It's all there, in black and white.
I'll never forget the day I arrived for work and set the metal detector off, not once, not twice, but three times. "I can do this," I told the gate officer.
"Let me pat you down," he said.
I assumed the stance. He started with my ankles and worked his way up. He scrunched my shirt pocket. "What do we have here?" he asked.
Then I realized: my wife and I had gone to a party. She decided to let her hair down. Put this in your pocket, she said, handing me a pink barrette. It must've went through the wash. "It's my wife's," I said.
"Sure it is," he said.
Gate 1, Gate 2, it doesn't matter. When you're between them, the officer is in control. And now there's a security camera to prove it.
I think it's cute you had your wife's barrette in your pocket! And remember the gates are there for your protection (I bet you've heard that one).
Did they keep the barrette? Hmmmmm....I wonder what really happens to all those bic lighters at the Airport.....
My favorite "found at the gate" story is of a new peach-fuzz officer who was so shy he could barely talk without blushing and stammering. One day I was standing in line when he opened a woman's cosmetic bag and a stack of tampons rolled out. We're talking head-to-toe total body blush. It was precious.
Geez, it would be hard to be in that environment. All that over a barrette.
I got a good long laugh out of this one. Great post
Man, this reminds me of a similar incident that happened to me. Ha! Are you sure these aren't the "Gates of Limbo"?
Amazing post.
By George, you've got it!
JR, it could only happen to you, right? Trying to get into prison with a pink barrette in your pocket? Ha!
An extra-nice touch that the barrette was pink, and not a more gender-neutral tortoise shell or black.
I hate it when the gates are closed as you are walking in. I don't know how many times I have been hit by closing doors. Nice post. Looks like you have applied the overlay? Why else would you have a pink barrette in your pocket? MW :)
No wonder you want to get outside and enjoy yourself! Imagine what it must be like being an inmate in one of those places.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
It matches your eyes.
I feel the same way about the woman who gives me parking tickets when I fail to move my car every two hours at work.
I think she enjoys her work.
I see it! I see the barette. It looks très Chic... :-)
how sweet of you to hold your wife's barrette...youshould have just worn it and had a little fun with it :)
Yes, what a sweet guy byou must be , JR. A real hoot of a post!
Pink barrette, eh? It could have been worse.
I quoted you in Part IV of "Why Bloggers Blog" Sunday night. Hope that's okay.
You know its yours JR pick suits you!
Trapped between two doors while guards are busy checking inmate visitors, like you said a time consuming process. Be glad you didn't have a problem with incontinence.
No I can't see you in a pink barrette, a beret maybe but not a hair clip, as man with no fashion sense at all I think that maybe your barrettes would be more of the black color barrette type so that you could use it to intimidate your students with.
"Don't give him no sh** today he's wearing his black barrette and that's never a good sign from that crazy mother*******"
Scary... gates or no gates... that is the question!
Great story -- and the pink barrette, priceless!
Jim, I would have told the guards that your "lady friend" passed on her pink barrette and put in your pocket while you were giving her a big fat kiss. Maybe that would start the rumors flying and questions coming!! :) Interesting that you have your hands tied and are not FREE! Now we know what it is like to be an inmate but worse, an educational teacher with NO freedom! Good post. --Bro, Ron
It's nice when the employees ALWAYS get priority over the inmates, or the visitors (who often were inmates). The worst is when we get get stuck in between safety doors and they forget we're in there because we're too short to be seen in the windows of the floor control.
The most, umm, interesting pat-down stories come from the officers who have the "streetwalker" beat. All sorts of things have been found...
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