I've been called all sorts of names over the years, from Tee-Tee, short for Tiny Tom, a chubby little speedster tearing up the elementary school playground, to Tom-Tom or Tommy Gun on the prison yard. Names have never really bothered me. Except once. And it came at a difficult time in my life where I had serious doubts about becoming a teacher.
Disillusioned about the whole state teacher certification process, I decided to leave Oakland University. They could stick my worthless degree in the mail, and I'd transfer my educational credits elsewhere. Of course, even though teachers are certified by the state, each school has a different program, which meant most of my educational credits were no better than a dog turd on the sidewalk--You had to step around it and move on.
Lacking the necessary funds to continue with my coursework, and waiting to be accepted at Madonna College, I decided to become another working stiff in America. I figured my past experience as a stockboy for four years would help me find something in the grocery business. It wasn't long and I struck out on the road as an official swing man, the new kid on the block, substituting for different cookie/cracker sales representatives as they took their much needed vacations.
Armed with a telezon unit--a nifty calculator-looking-device with a magic wand attached to it, I read bar codes and communicated cookie and cracker orders over the telephone. One computer communicating with another. I blazed a trail from Port Huron to Detroit. My new job title seemed laughable--What do you do for a living?--Oh, I'm a cookie/cracker sales representative. I wasn't selling anything. I was merely filling orders, stocking shelves, and building mammoth displays. I felt more like a glorified stockboy.
After covering a few routes, I earned an embarrassing nickname. I allegedly ordered too many of those pink marshmallow-coconut treats. Stores called the district manager wanting credit for them. At our monthly sales meeting, coworkers complained about having a shitload of Angel Cakes at their stores. I explained that perhaps it was a computer glitch. "My parents have a rotary phone," I said, as if that had anything to do with it.
I suspect, no matter where I appeared, the store managers, cashiers, and even the stockboys were told to call me "Angel Cakes." Here comes Angel Cakes. How are we doing today, Angel Cakes? I knew it was time to toughen up and re-enroll in school and finish what I had started. I guess an Angel was looking down on me.
You have to be a tough cookie to be a convict educator anyway. And that's the truth.
Yet another job on your resume and a whole different set of life experiences to draw on. You've had a lot of variety. None of the nicknames seem particularly bad. I think the ladies might even like to call you "Angel Cake".
Sometimes God smiles on us when we are least expecting it! Right, Angel Cakes?
Can we call you Angie for short? The wings are a great touch.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this one. Both are possibilities. Thank God you're a writer!
Ah yes that "educational rope course", know it well. Thank you for sharing this story!
Those are beautiful wings by the way, a bit of mascara and I could take you to a Rave with me. It's ok if you can't dance, just jump up and down and no one will notice.
I suppose it's better than having one of your pupils call you "Angel Cakes". I had a student call me "girly" once and I almost slugged him.
Much better than "Baby Cakes" - and it did spur you on in your career path.
I don't know if they have this situation up there, but in Florida and in Maryland, they have these people who are paid to hold signs advertising this and that next to the road. Talk about a rough gig - breathing in those exhaust fumes, people probably spitting at you and throwing stuff... it's just messed up that a business would subject a person to that.
I am laughing my butt off right now, Angel Cakes!!!!
I just gotta know...where did you get those wings????
Hey Jim,
That's hysterical! God works in mysterious ways, that's for sure.
I thought I was "Ragged Dick the Matchboy" in my youth, but it looks like JR "took the cake."
"A sh*tload of Angel Cakes."
--I am using specific language here, but there's an oxymoron for you!
I did none of those things in my twenties, but after my divorce, I pretty well had to do them all.
Wifey took off with all the money and I had to learn to work after a toffy marriage.
I once landed a job as janitor.
Big-time writer, his life punctuated by belches and farts in a computer factory washroom.
Not for nothing did I begin to see myself as Ragged Dick the Matchboy.
"You don't watch yourself, cutie," some wag said, after blowing a perfect B-flat out of his derreierre, "You'll be Ragged Match the ....Boy."
Thank God the Toronto Star finally called. Had an opening for a summer reporter.
I didn't put that particular job down in my resume'.
Angel Cakes, the 5 o'clock shadow really compliments the pink wings, somehow.
Why do I hear the theme song from "Jaws" when I look at that picture?
You have had some interesting jobs.
That was hilarious!
Hey JR I saw a film on the Indie
channel, made in the UK I believe
called, "Photographing Fairies."
I think it was rated R, it was good. Your post reminded me of it. Check it out when you get the chance. MW :)
Yet another job! I was wondering...how long have you lived? I know you are similar in age to me, but when I read your posts I feel like you have lived so much longer then me!
I think it sort of suits you :-)
Good story.
When I worked at a B Dalton in Indy many years ago, I accidentally over ordered a text book on "woody shrubs". If you are ever in the Glendale mall in Indianapolis IN you may still see the books in the overstock area of B Daltons.
I LOVE Angel Cakes! Except they are called Snowballs in my neck of the woods.
Jim, Angel Cakes is too funny! I remember the Mr. Kibler/Mr. Nabisco days. So, you only stocked shelves. We all thought ya was a cookie saleman. --Bro, Ron
I thought Angels had no balls but you prove they do by displaying your pink wings in public, great picture and funny story.
And by the way one of the phones that is in use is a rotary dial, there is a guy in PA who has a shitload of them and rewires them for modern circuitry. Love that phone because you can't work menu's on it all you can do is stay on the line 'til a human answers.
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