I wish I could get my brain to function at a four or five star Sudoku level at regular intervals where my recollections of events fall into place with ease. I’m not necessarily speaking about the digits one through nine either, instead, I like doing those sixteen digit puzzles with an added twist of filling in the diagonals correctly. Unfortunately my mind doesn’t always see things clearly and I end up relying on luck. When I write, I’m constantly checking the dictionary and thesaurus for a better word, a more comfortable word, and to be quite frank, there aren’t many words that I’m comfortable with. So, just like a Sudoku puzzle where I arbitrarily test a number, I usually settle for my original choice and hope that I made an adequate decision.
Back in my college days, a drinking buddy talked me into celebrating St. Patrick’s Day at an Irish Pub even though neither of us is Irish. There’s not much about that night that I remember. I’m not even sure if we were at the Blarney Stone or the Shamrock. I do know one thing, or maybe two things—no, make that three things. I drove. I sang along with the house band. And I drank way too much green beer. The next morning I could hardly function. My buddy gave me a wake-up call.
“Hey,” he said, “Did you have fun last night.”
“Too much,” I answered.
“Did you forget something?” he asked.
I thought about his question. I remembered going to the bathroom near the entrance of the pub and then stepping outside for some fresh air, but very little else. “No … not really,” I guessed.
After a brief moment of silence, he yelled into the receiver, “Me, you asshole!”
With New Year’s Eve fast approaching and plenty of parties to attend make sure your travel arrangements are in order. Drinking and driving isn’t worth the risk. I’ve had my share of close calls and have witnessed first hand the misery of certain individuals locked up for vehicular manslaughter. Today’s photo shows my designated driver taking her road test at a very early age. Thirty-some years later, her skills have come in handy, carting me arse from place to place when absolutely necessary.
Oopsie! How long did it take your buddy to forgive you for that one? You (and everyone else out there) were very lucky that night.
Call me morbid, but every new years eve day for about a decade, I would think about all the poor souls who were alive that day, but would not live to see tomorrow because of alcohol.
Now I try not to think of it and just stay off the roads on NYE. Safer that way. But your reminder is so worth saying.
Just sending some cheers to you JR, Happy new Year!
Wise words,
Happy New Year JR
hahah best story ever! thxs for the advice ;)
Is it the same car too? *giggles*
Great story. Sometimes I wonder how our family made it back alive from all the Polish weddings we attended.
It seemed that we were going to at least 4 weddings a year for at least six years, and the funerals were even worse... My dad and his uncles would get so drunk they couldn't stand up, but drive they did. By the grace of God go I. Nice pic. Have a Happy New Year. MW
Poor guy!
I don't drink (or drive much) yet, but I'll keep that in mind.
Happy New Year, JR.
I agree with you totally on the designated driver thing. My son Jeffrey was once hit by a man who had too much to drink. Me, I usually just stay home on New Year's Eve. It's safer that way.
Yep, drinking and drivng is never a good thing. Two family members of mine were hit head on by a drunk driver years ago--fortunately no-one was badly hurt but it was a close one. And it made an impression on me.
Actually on New Years I'm not one for drinking much at all, (although at Christmas parties it may be a different story). There's a superstition that whatever you spend the first day of the New Year doing, you'll be doing a lot of it in the year to come.
Me, I don't want to be nursing a headache for the next year. :)
JR, so.... are you and your buddy still friends?
I like having a "quiet" New Year's Eve, and being the only one without a hangover the next day. I found it's a great way to start the year. Then I can go down to English Bay and watch all the yahoos who are still drunk from the night before participate in the Polar Bear swim. Most of them are still anesthetized and don't feel the cold. And there are hundreds of them.
Happy New Year,
Pretty hilarious tale there...the same thing sort of happened to me..in reverse. We were at a place called The Schvitz, down by Hamtramck. A bachelor party...I passed out along with a couple of other guys in one of the...er.."rooms"..and was awakened by management to go home. I discovered, through my groggy hangover state, that my ride had gone without me. I had to call a cab. There was no way I was calling the wife.
Pretty hilarious tale there...the same thing sort of happened to me..in reverse. We were at a place called The Schvitz, down by Hamtramck. A bachelor party...I passed out along with a couple of other guys in one of the...er.."rooms"..and was awakened by management to go home. I discovered, through my groggy hangover state, that my ride had gone without me. I had to call a cab. There was no way I was calling the wife.
Ah, too funny, "hey honey, can you come pick me up at BTs??????
FUNNY story... I can appreciate it more than most because I am the DD for everyone. Sometimes I think I am invited along just because they know that I do not drink and can get them home safely. But, that is okay, I am glad I can help my frineds. Happy New Year!
we usually spend some time in an aa meeting.... tradition caused by all of the above i guess. happy new year.... bee
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