Stick to it in spite of hell and other people. Patience and endurance.
--Katherine Anne Porter
Christmas came early for me in the form of an acceptance letter from Foliate Oak Literary Magazine.
Here's what they had to say:
Congratulations! We've chosen your work to be published. We enjoyed reading your submission and will be including it in our January issue of Foliate Oak Online. We will notify you when your work is published. Thanks again and we look forward to seeing more of your work in the future.
--Jessica Hall
This will be my first creative nonfiction piece.
Wow congratulations!!!
Seasons Greetings! Hope you make their print anthology.
Hey, who cares about the print anthology. As long as I can read it for free!
CONGRATULATIONS, Jim! I'm so excited for you! Happy Snoopy dance! I'm really thrilled -- an early Christmas present indeed!
Super congrats, Jim. Cheers!
A followup to your quote: l'enfer, c'est les autres -- Hell, it is the others (Hell is other people) -- Jean Paul Sartre, No Exit.
Congratulations JR!!
could you please post the content after the publishing so that we could get to know it too?
Whopee! Congrats JR that's definitely an early cheers and you know what? It's gonna get better from now onwards too, trust me!
That's awesome. Congratulations!
That must feel really great! Good for you.
I liked your Katherine Ann Porter quote. As I kid, I did a report on her once. Then, pretty soon afterwords, we were eating out in Durham, NC, and bumped into her friends Eudora Welty and Clyde Edgerton. Ms. Welty was quite amused when I announced that I was doing a report on Katherine Porter.
hey I have that same book!!!! hahaha congrats man. I bet it feels really great when your stuff gets published. I have yet to find out... but I'm working on it ;o) haha CONGRATS JIM
That's great JR. I can at least say I knew you when...MW
Good news two days in a row!
Congratulations once again! That's exciting. I can't wait to read it.
sweet!! Congratulations!!
That's Great!!! Congradulations. I bet your so excited. Good job!!!
Well congrats are in place for an extremely dedicated dude! Keep up the great work!!! When you get published, please share with the rest of your fans!!!
Congratulations, JR. You must be floating on air.
I'm going to be sure to read it when it's published.
Good for you!
Thank you everyone for your kind comments. A coworker told me that online journals don't count for publishing. All I can say is that I'm glad to be in the same magazine/website as David Barringer, Thom Didato, Joe Taylor, Molly Giles, and Tony Hoagland. Lastly, it does increase my chance of making their annual print anthology. Thanks again everyone.
Jim, Congratulations in regard to your recent success. Would love to read it once it gets published. --Bro, Ron
Congratulations, Jim! A wonderful Christmas gift! And your creative non-fiction, too! We want to read it, so, be sure to post the link, once it's published!
I echo all the others a couple of days late. You really do know how to write so that it captivates one's attention...I wish you much success.
Ok, we are waiting for your post!!! :]
Thats a nice pic of you JR
Thats a nice pic of you JR
Congrats on your accomplishment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, its about time dude....Great work there.
IIIII for the Man! Love the post and keep up the blogging!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats Dude!!
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