Sunday, December 24, 2006


I worried what people would think of me when they read “The Widow’s Poet,” and whether anyone would publish it. Eventually, I was able to face down my fears, and tell myself that I can write anything I want if I’m willing to take responsibility for it.
—Melissa Pritchard

I’ll admit it, I’m one of those people you see on the news frantically shopping for presents on Christmas Eve. I’d like to tell you otherwise, that I put a lot of thought and planning into finding just the right gifts, but then I’d be telling you a bold face lie.

When I was a high school senior and working at a small town grocery store, the manager sold me a case of toilet paper on Christmas Eve right before closing time. While the cashiers counted their tills and the stockboys shagged carts and mopped floors, I haphazardly wrapped my gift in glossy advertisements. I didn’t think of the message I might be sending to my parents. You bought this, my dad’s expression seemed to indicate, because you think we’re full of what?

When I was dating my future-wife, about eight years after the TP episode, she confessed that her family had a unique gift exchange tradition. “You don’t have to go shopping,” I heard her say, “just pick out something from your home, something you no longer need that might give my family some insight as to who you are. And don’t worry about fancy paper, ribbons, or bows, wrap it in the comics instead.” I thought, Wow, here’s a girl near and dear to my heart!

Although I can’t remember exactly what I had given on our first Christmas Eve together (I think it was a variety of magnetic locker mirrors), I do remember drawing a low card and having to wait my turn to select a gift. I also remember the gift I brought going early in the first round. My feelings of joy and anticipation turned to anxiety when someone groaned at having opened a hideous looking candle that had been passed around year after year. As for me, when it was my turn, I received a box of laxatives.


Anonymous said...

The beginnings of writers' premonition development.(WPD) Holding on to a roll would show your
(WPD) is advanced. Merry Christmas
to you and yours. MW :-)

ivan said...

Have a merry Christmas, James.

Anonymous said...

Jim, You might want to carry around a roll of TP after taking all that laxative! I wish we would draw names out of a hat like we do at my wife's family gathering. Only have to buy "one" gift instead of many gifts. Anyways, please give us more _ _ _ _ the day before Christmas. :) Merry X-mas Eve, --Bro Ron

Michelle's Spell said...

Great story, Jim! At this nondenominational church I went to as a pre-teen, we had the "white elephant" exchange. The sad part was that everyone of us was so poor that it ended up being a real exchange where people fought for the supposedly hideous gifts. The whole thing depressed me to no end and may have contributed to my conversion to Catholicism! Merry Christmas eve!

Anonymous said...

I am glad to have made your acquaintance. I hope in the coming months that we continue our dialogue and who knows, maybe share a table at a writer's meeting.

Here's wishing the best to your and your family. Enjoy the holiday season. Peace. Happy Holiday.


The Walking Man said...

Oh man JR do you know how much writing now i have to back and change seperate to separate? What a gift you gave me owwwwwwwwwwwwwww! but thanks for the spelling esson.

i once had a boss, a greta guy and joker year he bought a case of toilet paper carefully ened it and then carefully opened about five rolls and and rolled a hundred swingles into each roll and then randomly replaced the rolls back in the box. he gave that gidt to his kids.

His wife that year he got a huge lump of coal. We sawed it in half on a very fine tooth band saw and drilled a hole in the middle to hole a two carat diamond ring for his wife. It took us days to get tha coal to look like it hadn't been tampered with.

Now that was one christmas gift opening I really would have liked to have seen toilet paper all over the place and his wife sitting there with a lump of coal knowing there was a trick to it but not sure whether to brain him with it or what.


Anonymous said...

JR you are right. The essay exam is far too easy. MW:)

jbwritergirl said...

Hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

Anonymous said...

I like that idea. I'll have to suggest it. Merry Christmas, JR!

Anonymous said...

That's a good way to exchange gifts. Too bad my family's a bit more demanding than that.

Merry Christmas once again!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas. The shopping is over! haha

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas!

My family has a strange tradition... my cousin and I pass this Bible Dictionary back and forth to each other for the last decade or so. It's 3000 pages and dusty and gross looking lol, but its fun.

I hope that all is well with you!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to all!!!!

the walking man said...

Sorry I'm an ars! Marrie X-as

the walking man said...

Forgive, I'll go away forever!!! Arshole.

Anonymous said...

ha! good story!