Last weekend I had carrot cake and coffee at The Pasta House in Kinde, Michigan. I never thought I'd do it. There's nothing there. A post office, a gas station, and The Pasta House.
I also set foot in The House of Sternberg. Literally. He's a retired educator who still enjoys dishing out homework. His lastest assignment: Write a 1,000 word (or less) short story dealing with a weird addiction. His circle of fellow writers/bloggers discuss each other's work after the assignment is turned in (posted).
Since I'm a man of few words, I graciously accepted his assignment. If you haven't read my story, "Adopted Behaviors," then scroll downward; it's my last post. For more short stories on weird addictions, go to The House of Sternberg. Better yet, if you're a fiction writer, look for his next assignment. I was pleasantly surprised at the comments everyone left regarding my story. More comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Hey Jim,
Loved your story. I'm not so crazy about the house of Sternberg as he insists badmouthing me (without naming me, of course)in his blog, but what can you do? I still adore you! The Rick Moody quote is awesome!
M, what about me?
I'm still trying to choose a weird addiction to write about. Does blogging count?
Jim, Nice picture and know the area well as well as Mom & Dad. Keep up the great writing! --Bro, Ron
Nice picture. Makes me home sick for up north.
Hey Jim, cool story; crackling pace, precision details about that area of Detroit, and nifty dialogue. Cheers!
Love the story. I haven't done any "assignments" yet but then again I've been super busy. Have a nice holiday!
How was the Pasta? Can you spell delete? Just wondering...MW :-)
Nice work... keep it up. How was the pasta?
So, who is that uber-cool dude in the picture...? Surely it can't be the same guy who was wearing a paper bag a while back....! Hah.
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