Elves, don’t you understand what you have done? You both became so angry with one another that you forgot to make your toys out of love. You put so much bad feeling into making these toys that they came to life with anger inside them.
—Santa Claus, "The Gingham Dog and the Calico Cat."
Always the skeptic, my version of Jessica and Owen’s discovery of a kitten and puppy on Christmas Eve takes a serious turn for the worse. These two wayward critters—didn’t they fall from Santa’s sleigh and wander the night through the forest?—aren’t cute and cuddly; they’re mangy, they’re damaged goods. They’re not so much put together by warring elves, no sirree—one’s from a puppy mill and the other came from love-passionate screaming alley cats. That’s how the procreation equation factors in.
Reality may be harsh, not at all like the story’s fairy tale ending where the Calico Cat and the Gingham Dog find harmony and love in their new home, where the brother and sister lovingly share and look after each other’s pet. Ask an animal shelter employee about the busiest time of the year and they will tell you, "We get more animals right after the holidays. As soon as the novelty of owning a pet wears off."
Speaking of pets, my wife and I are still feeling the sting from the loss of Bear, our black lab. We’ve found remnants of him under throw rugs and furniture. No more discussion about another dog yet. My wife’s been unusually kind to me lately, perhaps she’ll bring it up soon. Yesterday, she packed my lunch—homemade chili with beans, onions, and a cheese and sour cream topping. She hates beans, I should’ve known something was seriously wrong with her sudden act of kindness. It wasn’t until I arrived home from work and my stomach was doing backflips, that I realized where she had gotten the idea: leftovers from when our dog was sick and eating cheap hamburger and rice. I guess she thought I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between good hamburger and cheap hamburger.
It is sad that so many people would give up a pet cos they were bored.
people are so shallow
Have a Merry Christmas anyway! ;p
Evil! Hopefully a cut better than straight out dog food, though. Yum yum. Remember Iggy Pop's "(I'm living on) Dog Food"?
What happened to Lucy?
I would never give up my pets. A few years ago I found out I was allergic to my cat (whom I had since 7th grade) and when she would rub against my face or leave her hair all over my bed my eyes would swell up. My doctor suggested I get rid of her. I asked him if the allergy was life threatening. He said no, just itchy, swollen eyes and it would look like I just took a punch to the face. I told him I'd go to walgreens and grab some claritin and deal with the discomfort. There's no way I'm getting rid of my kitty for anything.
Well Claudia,
Due to my wife's allergies, Lucy had to go. First dog to ever obey me too.
Poor animals. In my neighborhood, we've got about 10 cat ladies who take in strays, no matter how damaged. You can send all of your strays over in my direction.
Poor animals. In my neighborhood, we've got about 10 cat ladies who take in strays, no matter how damaged. You can send all of your strays over in my direction.
Poor animals. In my neighborhood, we've got about 10 cat ladies who take in strays, no matter how damaged. You can send all of your strays over in my direction.
Poor animals. In my neighborhood, we've got about 10 cat ladies who take in strays, no matter how damaged. You can send all of your strays over in my direction.
Jim, You sure that wasn't some good dog food???? :) Maybe with a few good beans thrown in the mix???? It's sad that people will get a new pet for the holidays and then find out they are neglected right after the "energy" of just owning a pet goes away. I'm sure you'll get over having a dog for a LITTLE WHILE???? We'll see. --Bro, Ron
I once had a pit bull terrier named Sheba who would snuggle up in the chair with my calico kitty, Patches. When their naps were over, Sheba would chase Patches all over and into my room, across my waterbed and up onto the headboard. It was the only safe place she could find in a hurry!
What I want to know is, where can I get that cool sweatshirt? I want to wear it to our Christmas party. They cancelled our formal black tie party (due to lack of funding...hah) and now we're having a party in the cafeteria. Bah humbug.
I could never, ever, ever give up a pet. I'm sorry you had to give Lucy back. She looked adorable.
Love the sweatshirt. The grinch is my favorite Christmas Cartoon.
That's too bad!!
Hey Grinch who stole Christmas!!!
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