Yesterday, as I sat in my classroom preparing for my first hour, he stood outside my door and said, "Excuse me." I didn’t acknowledge him. So he said it again, "Excuse me." Then a third time, "Excuse me." When I finally looked up, he was gone. As I proceeded to the office, he stood by his classroom door waiting for me to pass. "Excuse me," he said, once again turning the other way.
"I don’t know what to make of it," I told my boss, "but I’m requesting an intervention with him right now." She knew exactly who I was referring to. I figured I had nothing to lose, perhaps we could air our differences.
She asked him, "Why are you continuously saying ‘Excuse me’ to Mr. T.?"
First he denied saying anything at all, then he claimed I almost bumped into him in the hallway (hmmm, wouldn’t the security camera have that on tape?). Then he started making faces at me while our boss spoke. Totally creeped out, I said, "I’m not going to put up with this nonsense. I’m going home." I have plenty of banked leave time, so I might as well use it. Hopefully, when I return, he’ll be gone.
I'd like to thank everyone for their comments. It looks like I'll be forced to change my blog over. I've tried commenting on other blogs but have been denied access.
Damn man. He's locked in on you. One's early strategy for a guy like that is to just completely ignore him, but he'd probably see that as a challenge and press harder. Killing him with kindness doesn't seem like an option either.
I guess just keep an eye on him, he's just got a bad case of the crazies. It's just one more thing to worry about. Does he smell bad too? People suck. This didn't help much, did it?
I'd love to just be able to go home and hope the annoying people are gone when I return.
Try only talking to him in sign language, you'd be amazed
changing your blog means?you wont be lost,will you? :)
he`s really tyring to start for something up..hes trying to mess around and break your temper to explode into a volcanic one..
hope he wont succeed!
im curious about the pic...was the book you`re holding your own book that have been published?
Bobby, you sure do know how to read a person.
Shadowfalcon, sign language is not an option with the security cameras in place.
Ghee, I intend to keep my blog in some form that will allow me to communicate with others. The book is a survival guide written by a former correctional educator; I thought I'd be able to use some of the techniques on my coworker.
Hey Jim, looks like we're up the creek. The NEW BLOGGER BEAT is pounding so we'll have to make the switch, I suppose.
This nasty dude reminds me of 5th grade -- same tactics as a young hooligan used. But it was 5th grade. Chris Rock: "What ever happened to just crazy," indeed. Good luck!
May the force be with you.
He sounds like a punk ass! Sorry about the comments. I look forward to hearing your comments on my posts after you've upgraded!
p.s. mean people suck
He didn't make it in today. He does not care for interventions. He will probobably go back to making his boat noises. I think he's got some type of oral fixation and your his
lolipop. Now that's a frightening thought...MW
I had to switch over JR. I got tired of trying to comment on blogs and being denied.
You are right about the lack of rehabilitation and punishment in our prison system. Thank goodness we have people like you who work so tirelessly at a job that seems to have very little reward.
This is a HORRIBLE story. Bobby is right. And you have a healthier attitude than I do. I would do something stupid like trying to outweird him. I can see myself going: "Excuse me," every time he said "Excuse me"...repeating it each time he did, even if the two of us were sitting and saying it to one another for an hour. But then..I'm not a person to listen to when it comes to crazy.
that is odd behavior.
maybe you should write a murder mystery with him as a character...not sure where you would put him...he could be the victim, the murderer or the red herring...
anyway, writing him as a character might help you vent your frustration.
Jim, Not sure what's happening with your blog???? Ignore the asswipe!! I'm going through similar situations at work due to the major cut backs coming. A lot of asswipes out there!! I like the recommendation of writing a horror story and he is the victim!! --Bro, Ron
Some people just never grow up.
the thinker took my line...sounds like he never grew up. I'd be tempted to start calling him Peter Pan.
Hey Jim,
Love the picture and title. Crazy people make for good stories, but tough working environment!
It sounds like a rough environment.
Why do people do that kinda stuff? Just ignore him.
I love the photo two.
Flying high now!
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