Why do we read fiction? The answer is simple. We read it because fiction, as an image of life, stimulates and gratifies our interest in life.
—Robert Penn Warren
Why do I write nonfiction? To deaden that sense.
—JR’s Thumbprints
I have one small announcement to make. Nothing as grandiose as the belated toast I gave in a crowded church hall, a toast to my brother and his wife, where I said, “For those of you who did not attend their wedding, don’t feel bad—neither did I.” I’ve never been one to make excuses or vague references to anything unusual I did or did not do. What I have to say really isn’t that big of a deal at all, so I’ll just come right out and say it, “This is my 200th post.” I’ve been blogging now for 8 months straight, which is not that long of a time. More like the tail end of a sentence. Shit, I know inmates that can do eight months standing on their heads.
A few weeks back I clipped a blurb out of the Detroit Free Press’s Asked and Answered Section. The question: Just how many blogs are there? According to Technorati, the blogosphere doubles every 6½ months, or 175,000 new blogs each day, or 2 new blogs per second. The 50 millionth blog allegedly came into existence on July 31,2006. The Freep quotes David Weinberger, a new-media advocate, “On the Web, everyone will be famous to 15 people.”
I’m a firm believer on setting time limits on anything I do. My blogging days, like so many other fellow bloggers, will eventually come to an end. Andy Warhol was absolutely correct, “Everyone will have their fifteen minutes of fame.” I’m not sure whether I’ve had mine or not, but I do know this—my uncertainty keeps me going.
I'm confused. You didn't attend their wedding, but you gave a toast at their wedding? It was a joke?
Interesting stats on the blogosphere. So I guess each blog has about 15 readers. I wouldn't say we are famous to those people. Just friends with them.
Congratulations on #200
No joke here, Desirea. I did not attend their wedding; however, I did attend their wedding reception. Cheers!
Jim, Let's see if everyone can figure this one out without giving the details. :) Of course, I remember the Day from the photo. Nice buzz cut. Congratulations on your #200 blog post! You're almost at 4,000 blog comments since May '06 as well. I'm sure it gets harder and harder to write different posts "everyday"?? I think you should keep going until you have no more spit left. But knowing you, you're like the Energizer Bunny. You keep going, and going, and going... So, keep up the great work and let writing take it's course. --Bro, Ron
You make blogging sound like a virus. Maybe it is..and maybe when enough people are blogging it will reach some sort of consciousness and evolve into an Uberblog. Maybe this is what our entire purpose as a culture has been...to create technology so that eventually we could merge through blog and become...God.
Or maybe not.
JR, it's 7:30 on a Saturday morning, and I thought I would visit one blog before I start my busy day, and I thought... hmmmmm where can I go where I know I will have a chuckle. Love the picture.
Happy 200th.
congrats on your 200th post!
im surprised.I started blogging a month ahead of you but I only have 76 posts,and you have 200,wow!
keep it up! :D
Well Bro Ron,
I'm not so sure everyone needs to know about my shortcomings when it comes to responsibility.
Why post every day? Is this helping with your creative process? i.e. writing? Write only when you feel the need. MW
Congradulations on post #200!!! I like reading your blogs. They are very interesting. Keep it up.
Congrats on the 200th post! Definitely an accomplishment. Keep the creative (writing) juices flowing!
Congrats on the 200th post! Definitely an accomplishment. Keep the creative (writing) juices flowing!
Congrats on the 200th post! Definitely an accomplishment. Keep the creative (writing) juices flowing!
Congrats on your 200th post! Definitely an accomplishment. Keep those creative (writing) juices flowing.
JR Thumbprints - THE BAND??? Nice dew....
hmm.. Certainly an interesting blog..
And as a 18 year old about to graduate from college.. ( a little introduction there.. or more like shameless self-promotion) I need to decide on what I'm going to do with my life.. or atleast my career..
and this will certainly get my creative juices flowing (creative juices as in use for writing.. not any other kind..) as I am also a person who feels comfortable at writing. and like to write fiction..
BTW.. missed their wedding.. ur brother.. thats something..
well atleast u were at their reception..
and another thing.. I do not know if that is your portal to blogger's utopia. just like ur's seems to be of other's..
But I have observed one thing.. people usually try to see if their is a ready made utopia somewhere else in other places.
just like I do.
But try creating one..
I'm not ripping on you.. just an observation.. of myself even..
Hey there MW, I feel your pain. It's like a train wreck waiting to happen--I can't stop the momentum.
Wow. Two hundred... That's definitely a sign of longevity. Congrats.
Happy Anniversary! All the best and here's to another 200 + posts! Always be well, M
Yes. Please more posts (2000000+)..................
Congrats on 200! It is an accomplishment! You do have "the touch" and I would hate to see you leave blog world just yet.
Congrats on your 200th and good luck for as long as you continue to blog!
So I hate to say this but is JR Thumbprints going back on the "road again"???????
and the answer is?
I never left the road.
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