I’m not here, in my bedroom, wearing a party hat, listening to the Stones. They’ve been temporarily silenced. Vicodin will do that. Mick Jagged (no misspelling there), along with the others, have made their presence known. They sing to me internally, a reminder that things shall pass. Amen. I’ll drink to that. Then again, maybe not.
My wife’s been giving me heavy doses of tea, having switched from lemon water to a stronger diuretic. If you look real close, you will find two teabags dangling above the “World Class Teacher” mug. Still don’t see them? Keep searching, they’re camouflaged in with my Fosters Beer label pajama bottoms, less obvious than the Sears & Roebuck model of lore (now I know you’re looking). I’m hoping the tannic acid—gee, that would make a mighty fine name for a rock and roll band—will take the edge off of those pesky Stones. Dissolving them would be better. It’s all in the preparation, like using earplugs at a loud concert, except I want to hear everything.
I’m wearing my hospital wristband too, so if the pain becomes unbearable and I have to rush back to the emergency room, they can scan the bar code to see my past history. But what I’m really really really hoping for is to toss a few of these Stones into that funny looking mosh-pit party hat and call it a day. Or night. Whichever comes first. Wish me luck.
Sincerely, JR’s Thumbprints
P.S. In case you still don’t get it, the party hat is a strainer for the strainee.
But that's not where the stones are? Or wait, maybe they are. Here's to passing a few of them.
Are you kidneying me?
Any sympathy for the Stones? Just think what they've got to go through on their journey... Hope they make it a quick one, Jim!
Speedy recovery, old bean.
Nightmare, Jim. Sorry you're not feeling well, glad you have a sense of humor about it. Can't say I would if I were in your place! Take care of yourself!
i see your tea bags!!!
Ouch - Good Luck with dem stones! I am feeling so much better now! Thanks for visiting my blog!
Jim, May the "stones" not be with you anymore! I also see your bags de tea! Hang in there! Don't give up! We all "pass" the time and everything gets better! Have a few beers and you might knock em dead! --Bro, Ron
Great photo. Get well soon.
Jim, speedy recovery -- sounds mighty painful. I think I'd be popping a lot of "Mother's Little Helpers" to get through it. Hope it's over in a jumpin' jack flash of the pan. . . . .
Hope you're on the mend; man, you are one dedicated blogger. Be well. Or weller. Whatever.
The elephant's in the bedroom
Throwing all his weight about
And I'm locked in the bathroom
Your screams are gonna drown me out
Now you're sad sad sad
Sad sad sad
Sad sad sad
But you're gonna be fine
…..Mick Jagger
"I'm just waiting on a friend"
Those Roiling Stones will get you every time.
Feel better, Jim. Thanks for visiting my blog.
Look Dorothy! IT'S THE TIN MAN!
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